SWO1 Fund – 2025 Growth

In 2024, we’ve continued to carry out the same mission we’ve had for 27 years—proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the exposition of Scripture and personal relationships in order to equip the Church to impact this generation. So many of you stand in partnership with us, believing in and supporting our mission, and because of that, the mission has spread farther and faster than it ever could without you.
Last year around this time, we announced some of our campus development plans and asked you to donate to the SWO1 Fund to support the addition of a new water line, a generator, and a few other big-ticket items we needed to continue growing our campus. You stepped up and exceeded our expectations, allowing us to work ahead of our development plans and expand faster than expected!
We have now begun construction on six new cabins to host hundreds more students in the summer of 2025. We can’t wait!
God has truly blessed Snowbird and we want to be faithful to steward all he has entrusted to us and use it to advance His Gospel and His glory—so we have set plans in motion and eagerly look forward to all He has in store.
Our goal is to raise $250k by year’s end. This will help us purchase 2 new buses, a projector/LED Wall, a new parking area, and 27 acres of land.
Be sure to check your inbox in November and December to learn more about these additions to our campus and how they support our mission. This season is an opportunity for everyone who believes in the mission of Snowbird to partner with us by donating a year-end gift to the SWO1 Fund. All donations received to the SWO1 Fund go toward improving our campus.
Click here to see some of our past SWO1 Fund development projects.
We want to continue to see students transformed by the Gospel for generations to come. Thank you for sharing this mission and joining with us toward a bright “Next 12” months of ministry.
In Christ,
Hank Parker Jr.

How to Give to the SWO1 Fund
There are several ways to you can support the mission of Snowbird through the SWO1 Fund. The simplest way is to click that blue button on the right. Then, you can give a one-time donation or schedule a recurring gift for any amount you want. You will also be able to complete the donation via an ACH payment method as well.
If you prefer a more traditional approach, you can mail a check to our office address.
- Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters
- 75 Mae Johnson Way
- Andrews, NC 28901
Click here to make a non-cash donation (property, stocks, etc.).
What Does the SWO1 Fund Do?
The SWO1 Fund allows us to move swiftly and provide opportunities for more students to hear the Gospel. We have grown beyond the days of funding one cabin at a time. God has given us big goals and a big vision that is strategically funded by the SWO1 Fund.
1 Gospel | 1 Mission | 1 Fund
Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the exposition of Scripture and personal relationships in order to equip the Church to impact this generation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the exposition of Scripture and personal relationships in order to equip the Church to impact this generation. This Gospel-driven mission is what every one of our retreats is focused on.
Learn about our history and mission, or jump into our published resources and session recordings to get a sample of the teaching at SWO.