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SWO Registration Guide

SWO Registration Guide

Please contact us any time at 828.321.2210 or if you have any questions.

Group Administrators

Snowbird’s Waivers are done electronically. Each participant attending with your group will need to complete our Health Form and our Terms & Conditions Form. All forms need to be completed one month before the group’s arrival date. Payment is also due at the one month mark.

1 – Log into your Snowbird Account

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2 – Click on “Registrations“.

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3 – Click on “Manage Attendees”.

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4 – In the center of the screen, click on the blue “Share”.

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5 – The link in this box is your group’s custom Link. You will need to copy this link, and send it out to each of your chaperones as well as any parents that have students attending.

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Once your leaders & parents receive this link they will be able to click the link and follow it over to our website where they can register underneath your group and fill out the needed forms.  

Please refer to the question “How do I complete the needed SWO forms?” if you would like to see the steps that your group leaders/student’s parents will follow.

If you are attending as well you will need to follow the link yourself, so that you can register & fill out the needed forms.

1 – Log into your Snowbird Account Dashboard

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2 – Click “Registrations”  

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3 – Once you are on your “Registrations” scroll down to find your event. Then click on “Manage Attendees”.

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As your group leaders/parents follow your group’s custom “Link” you will begin to see your attendees pop into your online Snowbird Roster. Ensure that everyone has filled out their forms by filters on the left-hand side of the page. 

If any of your attendees show up on either the Medical Form – Not Completed or Legal Term Status – Not Signed then it means that the chaperones/parents have followed the “Link” to claim their/their child’s spot, but they did not complete their/their child’s forms. Please have them log back into their Snowbird Account to complete the needed forms, there is no need for them to follow the “Link” again. You can also show them the question “How do I get back to my SWO Account if I did not finish the forms in one sitting?” on the SWO Registration Guide.

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*NOTE: Please make sure the parents complete their own accounts and submit their child’s forms.

1 – Log into your Snowbird Account

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2 – Once Logged in click on “Make Payment”

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3 – Fill out required fields and click “Pay”

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Note:  Attendees registered with your group should not be able to see a balance. Only your Group Admin can pay towards your group’s balance. You will need to have your attendees pay your group/the church directly. 

To add spots to a group registration please contact the SWO Office by emailing or call our office at (828) 321-2210.

Parents & Group Leaders (Chaperones)

1 – Copy and paste the “Itinerary Link” given to you by your group leader/youth pastor into your web address bar. If you have NOT received this link please reach out to your group leader/youth pastor directly.

When you follow the Itinerary Link it will bring you to a “Confirm Registration” page. (See the screenshot below)

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Please make sure that the information on the screen is correct. If correct, click “Register” in the lower right-hand corner of the box.

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2 – Log into your account. If you already have a SWO account and your computer saves your login information and you are logged in automatically, you can skip this step.

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3 – Select who will be attending the event.

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  • If you are the parent registering your child that is not listed, click New Attendee.
  • If you are the attendee (over 18 years old) registering yourself, click your name.

*NOTE: The parents need to be the ones registering and completing all forms for students attending that are under the age of 18.

*NOTE: Do not change your information to your child’s information. You can add your child by clicking on “New Attendee” and entering their information.

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4 – Complete FormsRegistration is completed once you have filled out each of the needed forms.  Once these are completed you are all set! 

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*Note: If you wish to register more than one attendee, please log out of your Snowbird Account, and re-enter the link into your web address bar. Repeat the steps above, but this time select the next attendee you wish to register.

If you can not complete the forms in one sitting please refer to this question on the SWO Registration Guide – “How do I get back to my SWO Account if I did not finish the forms in one sitting?”

Please refer to this question on the SWO Registration Guide – “How do I complete the needed SWO forms?” 

Once you have successfully completed the registration for your first attendee you will need to do the following. 

  1. Log out of your Snowbird Account.
  2. Re-enter the Itinerary Link given to you by your Group Leader/ Pastor into your web address bar. 
  3. Repeat the same registration steps, but this time select the next attendee you wish to register. 

You can continue this process until each of your attendees is registered.

Common Errors/ Questions with Registering

If you are attending with a group and our website is prompting you to make a deposit or pay the full balance then you have gone outside of your group’s Itinerary Link. 

To resolve this you will need to “remove” that pending registration. You can do this by clicking “remove” on your “Registrations” page. 

Once that pending registration has been removed please re-enter the Itinerary Link given to you by your Group Leader/ Pastor into your web address bar. If you have NOT received your group’s Itinerary Link please reach out to your group leader/youth pastor directly. 

To avoid the same issue please fill out the needed information on each page then move forward by continuing with the registration process without clicking any buttons outside of the page. 

Registration is completed once you have filled out each of the needed forms and the form no longer has a red warning triangle.  

If the issue persists or if you have any questions please feel free to contact our Front Office! You can call at 828-321-2210 or email at

You will not need to re-enter your group’s Itinerary Link since you have already “registered”. You simply need to log back into your  Snowbird account and locate the forms. Please follow the steps below:

1 – Log into your SWO account

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2 – Click on “Registrations” after you have logged in

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3 – Select each form that still has a red warning triangle to complete the necessary steps

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Note: If you have several family members attending please click on each of their names to double-check that each one of their forms is complete.

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