Spencer Davis
Spencer Davis
Risk Management Director
After serving on Summer Staff, Spencer and his wife, Amy Davis, joined the full-time SWO staff in 2003. Spencer is a graduate of Liberty University, holding a Bachelor of Arts in Religion/Biblical Studies and a Master of Arts in Religion.
The God who never forgets said, “I choose to forget.” That record of debt is nailed to the cross and it is a shame to the one who accuses you. You are not your sin. That doesn’t define you. No sin of yours, no mistake of yours is bigger than God’s grace. There, in Christ, is what all of our hearts are longing for. There is holiness. There is happiness. There is identity and worth. That’s what our hearts are really looking for.
We preach Christ; which is greater than moral prescriptions.
– Spencer Davis
He graduated from the National Outdoor Leadership School and helped launch the OLD School program in 2002, serving as leader for its first week-long trip the following year. A native of Columbus, Georgia, Spencer maintains our risk management, as a session speaker for camps and retreats and helps lead worship. His wife, Amy, has served in numerous roles around camp, including marketing director and worship leader. Amy is a part of SWO’s creative development team for marketing and graphic designs. Married in 2006, Amy and Spencer have three children: Alani, Knox, and Jed.