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John Ragon

John Ragon

Website Manager | App Manager | Content Strategist

John Ragon has served on the Snowbird staff team since 2009. A native of Milan, Tennessee, John graduated with a Marketing degree from Union University and joined SWO’s Summer Staff in 2009. After working his way through various roles in the SWO office, John was appointed to head up Snowbird’s marketing in 2011. Now, he guides our website design, SEO strategy, and digital marketing. John also supports other areas such as email communication and fundraising. His wife, Brittany Ragon, directs the local homeschool co-op. John and Brittany have six children: Berkley, Asher, Emerson, Oakland, Canon, and Elias.

Nov 16,

How to Choose the Best Camp for Your Christian School

Over the last 27+ years of running our Gospel-driven camp for Christian schools, we’ve hosted dozens of school retreats for senior trips, fall/spring break, middle school retreats, and high school …

Apr 11,

Jesus Came To Glorify The Father | Advent

There is no question that Jesus came to glorify the Father. John 12 and John 17 make this purpose abundantly clear. But, why? And—how does that work? God the Father …

Jan 2,

How To Pray For Muslims During Ramadan 2024

March 10 – April 9, 2024 March 10 marks the annual 30 days of fasting by Muslims around the world. During Ramadan 2024, over 1.8 billion men, women, and children …

Dec 10,

Alms Tax for the Poor and the Needy (Pillar 3)

Required Tax for the Poor and Needy (zakat) Islamic law requires Muslims to pay a tax, referred to as “alms” (zakat). This tax is usually a 2.5% tax levied on …

Dec 9,

The 5 Daily Prayers of Islam: A Christian Perspective

The 5 Daily Prayers of Muslims (Salat) Muslims are required to pray fives times each day, facing Mecca in the East. These 5 daily prayers of Islam are delivered up …

Dec 8,

The Muslim Profession of Faith (Pillar 1)

What is the Muslim Profession of Faith (Shahadah)? “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his prophet.” The Shahadah is the one key thing required for someone to …

Nov 25,

Advent: Some Worship and Some Reject

Day 25 Personal Study “And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For …

Nov 24,

Advent: The Birth of Jesus Christ

Day 24 Personal Study “Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was …

Nov 23,

Advent: Zechariah’s Prophecy

Day 23 Personal Study “And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying, ‘Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,for he has visited and redeemed his …

Nov 22,

Advent: The Birth of John the Baptist

Day 22 Personal Study “Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore a son. And her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown great …

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