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Spiritual Growth

Nov 1,

Advent: The Radiance of the Glory of God

Day 1 Personal Study “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to …

Oct 26,

The Word Became Flesh | Advent Intro

The Advent season is a time to remember, celebrate, and share the good news of Christ coming into the world. Unfortunately, we are busy chasing down gifts, family travel schedules, …

Oct 7,

We Must Always Be Reminded Of The Gospel

Brody Holloway | Iron on Iron | Saturday Night In 2 Peter 1:12-15, Peter speaks of the reality of your faith according to God’s knowledge and promises. Your faith rests …

Sep 23,

Don’t Drift

Iron on Iron | Saturday | Brody Holloway How do we stay faithful to the Lord and keep from drifting away? In today’s culture, there’s a massive push away from …

Sep 20,

NSR: The Gospel In The Life Of David

The life of David teaches us what it looks like to walk humbly before the Lord. He failed miserably before God responded in repentance, submission, and worship. Brody walks through …

Sep 13,

NSR: Live Intentionally In This New Season Of Life pt. 2

As you walk with the Lord, feed your mind an overwhelming volume of good things. In this episode, Brody continues his conversation on living intentionally in every season of life. …

Sep 9,

Biblical Masculinity (SWO21)

Rob Conti | SWO21 | Guys Breakout Our culture is trying to redefine what masculinity is. In this breakout, Rob looks at Scripture to see what it means to be …

Sep 7,

Present Your Body As A Living Sacrifice | SWO21

Brooke Collins (Mitchell) | SWO21 Summer Camp Breakout As women, the world tells us many things about our bodies and how they should be used. But Scripture tells us to …

Sep 6,

NSR: Live Intentionally In This New Season of Life

How should we start a new season of life? How can we start strong and be intentional in each season? We need to be striving to establish ourselves well in …

Sep 2,

How To Study Your Bible (SWO21 Breakout)

Spencer Davis | SWO21 | Breakout Why is studying the Bible such a hard habit for Christians? Are there any “hacks” that make Bible studier easier? In this breakout, we’ll look …

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