Colossians: The Preeminence Of Christ

Colossians Bible Study
The first step in Christian growth is the study of God’s Word. Zach Mabry wrote this Colossians study for our SWO Summer Staff, and we wanted to make it available to everyone! After all, where is a better place to start studying God’s Word than Colossians? It’s a short letter by Paul, and it’s all about Jesus and his authority over all things (preeminence).
Remember that God has given us his Word, not for some kind of academic discipline, but so we can know Him better through it. So, grab a couple of friends and invite them to join your journey through Paul’s letter to the Colossian church.
This study guide will help you know how to study the Bible and help set a pace so you can study together.
Each section of this guide will focus on a particular passage of the book of Colossians, provide context, attempt to explain what God is saying, and offer questions to guide you in personal application. Let’s use these questions (and others that you come up with) to help us dig deeper into God’s Word and apply it to our lives.
Choose Your Own Schedule

12 Days
If you want a personal study through Colossians, this is the option we recommend. Sign up to get Day 1 in your inbox first thing tomorrow morning.

12 Weeks
Want to use this study for your small group or Sunday School class? Here’s a great way to get a weekly email update with the weekly section. That way you always know what’s coming next.
Don’t want to wait around for the emails?
We’ve been there too. You’ll get a complete PDF ebook of the study as well. This way you can study ahead on your tablet or phone at your own pace.