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Winter SWO

Feb 29,

Jesus Heals a Woman and Jairus’s Daughter

Jesus can heal us spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. In this session, Brody walks through 2 stories in Mark 5 where Jesus healed those with feeble faith.  The safest place you …

Feb 27,

Jesus Walks on Water

When we give into fear, that is an opportunity for us to turn our focus on Jesus. In this session, Jon walks through Matthew 14 where Jesus walks on water …

Feb 22,

Jesus Heals a Man on the Sabbath

What the world has to offer us will not satisfy our souls. Jesus gives us a satisfaction that the world will never be able to provide. In this session, Brody …

Feb 20,

Jesus Heals the Man with an Unclean Spirit

Do you believe in miracles? Miracles reveal to us who Jesus really is. In this session, Spencer walks through Mark 5 where Jesus heals a man with an unclean spirit. …

Mar 28,

Mary’s Submission

Mary was a young woman living in a rural, small town. She found favor in the Lord’s sight and was faithful to him. The task she was appointed to would …

Mar 23,

Josiah’s Resolve

Josiah became King when he was only eight years old. The kingdom he inherited was sinful and slipping into pagan idolatry and practice. Today, we live in an idolatrous and …

Mar 21,

Ruth’s Redemption

In the story of Ruth we see themes of redemption and renewal.  The book of Ruth starts amidst famine, death, and hopelessness. It ends with harvest, new life, and legacy. …

Mar 16,

Rahab’s Confession

God’s grace is greater than our failures. Rahab was a prostitute living in the outskirts of a pagan city.  She believed that the God who freed a people from slavery …

Mar 14,

Who Do You Say That Jesus Is?

Who do you say that Jesus is?  He was more than just a man, he was and is God. Jesus taught that he was the promised Messiah and that his …

Mar 9,

The Family Line of Jesus

Why are the genealogies in the Bible? Why should we study them? Why are they significant? In this session, Brody breaks down why the genealogies are valuable and what we …

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