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Study Guide

Nov 1,

Advent: The Radiance of the Glory of God

Day 1 Personal Study “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to …

Oct 26,

The Word Became Flesh | Advent Intro

The Advent season is a time to remember, celebrate, and share the good news of Christ coming into the world. Unfortunately, we are busy chasing down gifts, family travel schedules, …

May 7,

How To Love And Respect Muslims By Learning Their Culture

The Bible teaches us that it’s possible to love and respect a Muslim friend and respect their beliefs—without forsaking the Truth of Christ. Christ is our guide as we learn …

Apr 5,

What Do Muslims Believe About God? (Intro to Islam)

What do Muslims believe? Islam, like Christianity, finds its roots in Abraham of the Old Testament and is also a monotheistic religion. However, that is where the similarities end. Much …

Apr 5,

Ramadan Guide Intro: How to Love and Engage Muslims with the Gospel

April 2 starts the 2022 Ramadan month, the annual 30 days of fasting for Muslims around the world. This month, 1.9 billion men, women, and children started their day worshipping …

Apr 20,

Ramadan: Resources to Learn More about Reaching Muslims with the Gospel

The best way to learn how to love and engage Muslims is by spending time with Muslims. Nothing replaces the value of learning someone’s story, and nothing matches the depth …

Jun 1,

Ramadan: Friendship, Language Learning, and the Gospel in North Africa

By Greg Helms My last day in this sandy, sub-Saharan, African city had arrived bringing a month-short visit with long-admired missionary friends to a close. My flight out was the …

May 30,

Ramadan Stories: Hospitality in the Middle East, Africa, and Tennessee

Jim and Sarah are friends of Snowbird in Tennessee. They love Jesus, raise their kids in the truth of the Gospel, serve their church, love their neighbors, and actively engage …

May 29,

Ramadan Stories: Hospitality, Faith, and False Gods in Saudi Arabia

By Isaac Thomas* The night before Ramadan started, I went out to dinner with a few local men to grab burgers, fries, and some surprisingly good banana pudding. They were …

May 24,

Ramadan: The Power of Stories

Stories are an integral part of how our culture and worldview are shaped. Since most Muslims are born out of eastern cultures, the meaning of stories for individuals and families …

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