Practical Tools to Continue Learning in Student Ministry
We have been given God’s Word to learn more about God and make us more like Him. We need to make it a priority to be able to understand and teach His Word to students. Let’s prepare our students to articulate the Bible and what they believe well. Lead by example with how you personally pursue the Lord through Scripture.
Hold it in the highest esteem and be careful not to turn the Bible into a textbook. Don’t turn it into something you can master or use to raise your own opinion of yourself. Studying His Word should increase your adoration of Him.
- 2 Timothy 2:15
- 2 Timothy 3:10
- 2 Peter 1:16
- Blue Letter Bible
- Covenant seminary
- Accordance
- Expositional teaching
- 40 Questions on Interpreting the Bible – Robert Plummer
- Interpreting the Pauline Apistiles – Thomas R. Schreiner
- Exegetical Fallacies – D.A. Carson
- Systematic Theology – Wayne Grudem