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5 Books That Engage Culture With a Gospel Lens

Our passion and mission is to equip the Church to impact the world with the message of the Gospel. In order to do that, we’ve got to understand and interact with the cultural nuances of our world. Culture matters. Media matters. Art matters. How you use your phone matters.

Andrew Fletcher once wrote, “Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”

The Lord has sent His Church to serve as lights going into darkness so that we can proclaim His glory and bring others to see the light of Christ. So, we’ve prepped a reading list of our favorite books on culture, media, and the arts!

Let’s keep our eyes and ears open to the needs of our world while focusing our hearts on Jesus.

We’d rather have this conversation with you in-person so we could share our passion and experiences tied to these books. But until then, pick one and check it out. Shoot us a message and let us know how it goes.

If you like this list and want to see our top picks in other categories, then go over and download our Favorite Books of SWO document. Over 129 titles are included!

“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.” (Colossians 1:28–29)

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12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You

By Tony Reinke

“True freedom from the bondage of technology comes not mainly from throwing away the smartphone, but from filling the void with the glories of Jesus that you are trying to fill with the pleasures of the device.” – Tony Reinke

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Art and the Bible

By Francis Shaeffer

“Christianity is not just involved with “salvation”, but with the total man in the total world. The Christian message begins with the existence of God forever, and then with creation. It does not begin with salvation. We must be thankful for salvation, but the Christian message is more than that. Man has a value because he is made in the image of God.” – Francis Shaeffer

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Full of Eyes

By Christopher Powers

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The Vanishing American Adult

By Ben Sasse

“I believe our entire nation is in the midst of a collective coming-of-age crisis without parallel in our history. We are living in an America of perpetual adolescence. Our kids simply don’t know what an adult is anymore – or how to become one. Many don’t even see a reason to try. Perhaps more problematic, the older generations have forgotten that we need to plan to teach them. It’s our fault more than it is theirs.” – Ben Sasse

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Whatever Happened to the Human Race

By Francis Shaeffer and C. Everett Coop

“If man is not made in the image of God, nothing then stands in the way of inhumanity. There is no good reason why mankind should be perceived as special. Human life is cheapened. We can see this in many of the major issues being debated in our society today: abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, the increase of child abuse and violence of all kinds, pornography … , the routine torture of political prisoners in many parts of the world, the crime explosion, and the random violence which surrounds us.” – Francis A. Schaeffer

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We’ve prepped this list of recommended books from our Snowbird teachers to help encourage the habit of learning! We also encourage you to read critically, evaluating every book, Christian or secular, through the lens of the Bible.

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May 12, 2020

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