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Anna Rose Garrett

May 30,

Remaining Anchored Through Suffering | Respond

Anna Rose Garrett | Respond Women’s Retreat We are not promised an easy life just because we’re Christians. We live in a fallen world and we will go through suffering …

Mar 28,

3 Questions About Growing as a Godly Woman | Pure & Holy

We live in a world that is sabotaging our purity. How do we grow an appetite for godliness? In this session, Anna Rose walks through 3 questions on purity and …

Aug 29,

Identity (Girls Breakout) | SWO23

Anna Rose Garrett | SWO23 Girls Breakout In this session, Anna Rose walks through 3 questions we should ask ourselves as young women. In today’s society, it’s so easy to …

Jun 1,

Identity in Christ | Respond

How do human beings find identity? Why should we care about what God says concerning us? What does God say about us? These are 3 questions that Anna Rose Garrett walks through …

Feb 23,

3 Questions About Identity | Girls Purity Session

Pure & Holy | Anna Rose Garrett | Girls Breakout How do human beings find their identity? We have to compare ourselves to something or someone outside of ourselves. The …

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