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Anxiety and Depression

Mar 13,

Faithfully and Fruitfully

“Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart be courageous. Wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 Driving around our mountain town these last several weeks, my eyes are …

Dec 12,

Dealing With Depression in Ministry

How do you deal with anxiety and depression in ministry? Too many youth pastors, pastors, and church leaders are being overwhelmed by depression every day—and losing their effectiveness (and joy) …

Jul 30,

Generate Joy | How to Be Content, With Amy Davis

How can we be truly content while expecting more from God? This episode is from Amy Davis’s podcast, Generate Joy. Brody and Amy sit down to talk about contentment and …

Jun 4,

Entanglements and Endurance | Womanhood

Bethany Clark | Respond Women’s Retreat How can we run the race faithfully as women in this distracting world? In this session, Bethany Clark walks through Hebrews 12 and discusses …

May 6,

Discouragement | 8 Principles We Can Learn from Paul

How should we deal with discouragement and depression as believers? The Lord has encouraging words for those who are struggling. In this episode, Brody walks through discouragement in the life …

Apr 22,

Beyond the Flannelgraph | Mountaintops And Valleys of Doubt

The day-to-day Christian life is not a mountaintop experience. Life is messy and circumstances can cause us to doubt God. When doubt attacks our faith we need to keep pressing …

Apr 18,

Biblical Counseling and Youth Ministry

Every time we minister to students we face a variety of issues and we are giving counsel to them whether we think it’s counseling or not. Student ministry and biblical …

May 25,

Contentment in Christ | Womanhood

What is your focus? It can be so easy to take our eyes off the Lord and lose our focus. As Believers, we are called to stand firm in Christ. …

May 23,

Grace Changes Everything | Womanhood

Believers, we are saved by grace. We’ve done nothing to earn our salvation but Jesus has already made us his own. So how do we live out Christ’s workmanship in …

May 18,

The Fight Against Sin and Our Affections For God | Womanhood

In Ephesians 2, we see Paul reminding believers that we’re in a battle. The local church needs godly women. We need to be pursuing the Lord and fighting our sin. …

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