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Biblical Studies

Feb 23,

Fight for Holiness

Brody Holloway | Make War 2014 | Ephesians 5 Brody Holloway starts off the 2014 Make War conference by looking at Ephesians 5.  As adopted children of God, we are …

Dec 8,

Jesus Gives Us His Righteousness

Spencer Davis | Mark 2 Spencer Davis teaches on the sufficient work of Jesus Christ to save us from our sin to a group of Christian School students on a …

Dec 4,

Why Do We Need to be Saved?

Spencer Davis | Romans 1 Spencer Davis walks through the Gospel with a group of Christian School students during a fall retreat.  In order to understand what it means to …

Dec 4,

Treasure the Gospel

Spencer Davis | Matthew 13 Spencer Davis walks through the story of the Ark of the Covenant with a group of Christian School students during a fall retreat.  In order …

Nov 3,

Family Retreat: Joshua 24

Brody Holloway | Family Retreat | Joshua 24 Brody Holloway looks at the final words of Joshua to the Israelites and the lasting legacy believers are called to leave in …

Oct 24,

Family Retreat: Ephesians 5

Brody Holloway | Family Retreat 2013 | Ephesians 5 Brody Holloway examines biblical instruction for families in Ephesians 5 and gives practical application toward reflecting the relational nature of God …

Oct 24,

Be Strong: Prophets. Priests. Kings.

Brody Holloway | Be Strong 2013 Brody Holloway closes out the 2013 Be Strong Conference with part two of God’s instruction to Adam in creation.  To fulfill the role of …

Oct 21,

Marriage Retreat: Genesis 2

Brody Holloway | Marriage Retreat 2013 | Genesis 2 Brody Holloway kicks off the 2013 Marriage Retreat beginning in Genesis 2.  Because of the work of Jesus on the cross, …

Oct 21,

Marriage Retreat: Genesis 3

Brody Holloway | Marriage Retreat 2013 | Genesis 3 Brody Holloway continues in the book of Genesis during the 2013 Marriage Retreat.  By looking at Adam & Eve’s sin in …

Oct 21,

Marriage Retreat: Ephesians 5

Brody Holloway | Marriage Retreat | Ephesians 5 Brody Holloway closes out the 2013 Marriage retreat by looking to Ephesians 5:22-33.  The commitment we make to our spouse is not …

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