Biblical Studies
Studying the Gospel of Mark
In preparation for staff orientation taking place this weekend, we wanted to continue to share some excerpts from various Mark studies. This last week the focus has been on conversion …
Hebrews 2 Video – Identity in Christ
Rob Conti shares from his study in Hebrews 2, looking at what our identity in Christ really means.
Make War: Who We Are In Christ
Rob Conti looks at Ephesians 4 in the final session of the 2014 Make War conference. Jesus didn’t rescue us so that we would turn right back to our sin, …
Make War: A New Affection
Spencer Davis | Make War | 2014 Spencer Davis examines 1 Thessalonians 4 during the 2014 Make War conference. Pursuing sexual purity is not solved by a list of …
Fight for Holiness
Brody Holloway | Make War 2014 | Ephesians 5 Brody Holloway starts off the 2014 Make War conference by looking at Ephesians 5. As adopted children of God, we are …
Jesus Gives Us His Righteousness
Spencer Davis | Mark 2 Spencer Davis teaches on the sufficient work of Jesus Christ to save us from our sin to a group of Christian School students on a …
Why Do We Need to be Saved?
Spencer Davis | Romans 1 Spencer Davis walks through the Gospel with a group of Christian School students during a fall retreat. In order to understand what it means to …
Treasure the Gospel
Spencer Davis | Matthew 13 Spencer Davis walks through the story of the Ark of the Covenant with a group of Christian School students during a fall retreat. In order …
Family Retreat: Joshua 24
Brody Holloway | Family Retreat | Joshua 24 Brody Holloway looks at the final words of Joshua to the Israelites and the lasting legacy believers are called to leave in …
Family Retreat: Ephesians 5
Brody Holloway | Family Retreat 2013 | Ephesians 5 Brody Holloway examines biblical instruction for families in Ephesians 5 and gives practical application toward reflecting the relational nature of God …