Apologetics and Worldview
Living Out the Gospel in a Cancel Culture
In this session, Zach Mabry talks about not being ashamed of the Gospel, even when the world around us makes it harder to stand up for what we believe. He …
Ideologies As Idols
Jon Rouleau | College Retreat In today’s world, many idols have become prevalent, whether on our phones, social media, or even other people. In this session, Jon breaks down what …
Insights from Students on Staying Faithful in College
In this episode, JoyBeth Kidd (JB) sits down with a group of college students connected to SWO to discuss what it really looks like to keep your faith strong during …
From Faith to Action: The Responsibilities of a Christian Citizen
Here’s the deal: we live in a completely different cultural context than the context in which the Scriptures were written. This can make it difficult to apply biblical truths today. …
Gender and Sexuality
Zach Mabry | SWO23 Youth Pastor Breakout In light of all the confusion in our culture today regarding gender and sexuality, we need to be reminded that the Bible addresses …
What the Bible Says About Creation
Zach Mabry | SWO23 Breakout So much of the biblical worldview rests on our understanding of creation. However, when we usually talk about it, we don’t get out of the …
Gender And The Bible
Jon Rouleau | SWO23 Breakout In the culture we live in today, there is a constant buzz of conversation about gender and sexuality. As Christians, we are fighting everyday to …
God’s Rule and God’s Word | College Retreat
Believer, if you buy into what this world has to offer you will not grow in godliness. The world offers only that which cannot satisfy. As a culture, we need …
Christian Excellence in an Age of Systemic Mediocrity
We are ambassadors of Christ. We must pursue the Lord despite culture and the lies it says about God. In this breakout, Jake Scwarting walks through how believers should strive …
Our Greatest Enemy
Joseph Tucker | Breakout Your greatest enemy isn’t Satan, but the sin dwelling within you. Satan will use the world and our flesh to tempt us, lure us away, and …