Biblical Studies
Be Strong: Prophets. Priests. Kings.
Brody Holloway | Be Strong 2013 Brody Holloway closes out the 2013 Be Strong Conference with part two of God’s instruction to Adam in creation. To fulfill the role of …
Marriage Retreat: Genesis 2
Brody Holloway | Marriage Retreat 2013 | Genesis 2 Brody Holloway kicks off the 2013 Marriage Retreat beginning in Genesis 2. Because of the work of Jesus on the cross, …
Marriage Retreat: Genesis 3
Brody Holloway | Marriage Retreat 2013 | Genesis 3 Brody Holloway continues in the book of Genesis during the 2013 Marriage Retreat. By looking at Adam & Eve’s sin in …
Marriage Retreat: Ephesians 5
Brody Holloway | Marriage Retreat | Ephesians 5 Brody Holloway closes out the 2013 Marriage retreat by looking to Ephesians 5:22-33. The commitment we make to our spouse is not …
The Courageous Shepherd
Brody Holloway looks at Joshua 1:1-9, the Lord’s commissioning of Joshua to faithfully lead the people of God. In the Bible, there is a recurring motif of shepherding used as …
SWO13: Jesus Is God
Brody Holloway | Acts 2 | SWO 13 Brody Holloway examines Peter’s sermon in Acts 2 in this first session of SWO13, declaring that Jesus is God. The death, burial, …
SWO13: God In The Old and New Testament
Brody Holloway | Acts 4 | SWO13 Brody Holloway looks at the Exodus and the destruction the LORD brought to the Egyptian gods for his namesake. Later in the book …
SWO13: The Commission Of The Church
Brody Holloway | Acts 1 | SWO13 Brody Holloway points students at SWO13 to the commission Jesus himself has given the church and calls believers to have their lives be …