25 Advent Hymns That Hope In Jesus
We’re big fans of Christmas music—especially the hymns that ring with joy at Christ’s long-awaited coming. If you’re looking for Christmas songs about hope, then you need to start with …
God’s Grace For Blended Families
Corey Pendergrass | Marriage Conference 2021 In this breakout, Corey Pendergrass (former SWO staffer) shared his personal story of divorce and remarriage. The Lord has taught him much through it. …
Rhett and Link (and the Apparent Deconstruction of Their Faith)
My heart is breaking and my head is spinning in light of the so-called deconstruction of Rhett and Link’s faith. As I listened to them walking through their journeys I …
Dying in a Pornographic Culture
Be Strong 2021 Fall There is nothing God-honoring in sexual sin. God created sex—the world did not. So we should not be living in a way that says the world …
A Testimony of Addiction and Grace | No Sanity Stories
In this episode, Brody sits down with Matt Milligan, a pastor who serves at New Harmony Church in Missouri. Matt shares about how the Lord saved him from a life …
Don’t Drift
Iron on Iron | Saturday | Brody Holloway How do we stay faithful to the Lord and keep from drifting away? In today’s culture, there’s a massive push away from …
Doctrine Is Worth Dying For
Iron on Iron | Friday | Jamie Dew The world is hostile towards us and what we preach. In this session, Jamie walked through 1 Peter 3, where Peter is …
Social Media (SWO21 Breakout)
Zach Mabry | SWO21 | Breakout With every advancement in technology, there is the opportunity to use it for the Gospel and the temptation to use it for selfish purposes. Social media is no …
Culture & Race (SWO21 Breakout)
Spencer Davis | SWO21 | Breakout Our culture is currently combatting racism on a national scale… but how is it working out? Are the tools of CRT and Intersectionality useful …
Talking To Students About The Existence Of God (SWO21 Leader Breakout)
Zach Mabry | SWO21 | Youth Pastor Breakout The culture we live in is overwhelmed by the tenets of postmodern theory that say that the truth of God’s existence is …