People in the Bible
Rahab’s Confession
God’s grace is greater than our failures. Rahab was a prostitute living in the outskirts of a pagan city. She believed that the God who freed a people from slavery …
Eve’s Failure and What We Can Learn From It
God called Adam to lead, provide, and protect. God called Eve to love and help her husband. In Genesis 3, we see both Adam and Eve do the exact opposite …
The Courage of Jonathan and the Glory of God
Men’s Conference | Brody Holloway | Sunday Morning We can be challenged and motivated by the life of Jonathan. In 1 Samuel 14, we see him portrayed as a type …
How the Mighty Have Fallen
Men’s Conference | Rob Conti | Saturday Night In 2 Samuel 17, David grieves the death of Saul and Jonathan. In this session, Rob walks through David’s lament. His personal …
The Example of Brotherhood from Jonathan and David | Godly Manhood
Men’s Conference | Jon Rouleau | Saturday Morning The Church needs brothers. The richness of biblical community makes a difference in your walk with the Lord. Jonathan and David were …
The Story of Jonathan, Son of Saul | Godly Manhood
Men’s Conference | Spencer Davis | Friday Night What can we learn from the life of Jonathan? In this session, Spencer walks through the life of Jonathan and shows how …
12 Commands From Paul to the Believer
As believers, we tend to overanalyze the Christian life and make it harder than it needs to be. Jesus commands us to love God and love people. In this episode, …
Paul’s Last Words
SWO22 | Brody Holloway | Friday Night Believer, you will finish the Christian life well — by running well today. Paul is an example to us of someone who finished …
Jesus Was With David, Jesus Is With You
SWO22 | Brody Holloway | Friday Night Brody walks through 2 Samuel 7 and discusses 4 things we can learn through David’s life. God is not confined to a special …
David On The Run
SWO22 Summer | Spencer Davis | Thursday Morning In 1 Samuel 18, the Lord has left Saul and David is on the run from him. Saul had grown jealous of …