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May 20,

My Journey to Loving Singleness

By Amy Rasmussen Contentment: being so pleased with your current situation, so satisfied with what you have, that you desire no more! I love this definition of contentment, and I’m …

May 19,

Brokenhearted? The Lord is Near

  By Jennifer Jolly Our Losses Most days I thought I was doing ok with it. In fact, before it happened, I actually kind of marveled at how well I …

May 18,

A Conversation on Marriage with Brody & Little Holloway

[buzzsprout episode=’3776828′ player=’true’] Coming up on 26 years of marriage, Brody and Little Holloway have started to figure out a rhythm that is worth learning from. Don’t listen to your …

Apr 1,

How to Redeem the Quarantine Time With Your Family

Parents, these months of international quarantine are full of uncertainty. But, this is also a wonderful opportunity to spend more time together. Redeem this quarantine time with your family. God …

Mar 20,

Life During the Quarantine with Little Holloway

[buzzsprout episode=’3068725′ player=’true’] Brody and Little Holloway discuss how their family is handling the Coronavirus quarantine so far, and the hopes they have for how the Lord will use the …

Feb 27,

Girls Q&A Session (Purity)

Brody and Little Holloway | 1 Samuel 16 | Saturday Morning

Feb 11,

Family Milestones and Parent/Child Discipleship

By Seth Stewart There comes a point as a student pastor when you realize that no matter how loudly and clearly you preach the Gospel, the message your students hear …

Aug 21,

Flee From The Sin That Wounds Deep (Girls Session)

Amy Rasmussen & Little Holloway: Summer 2019 : Girl Session : Wednesday PM

Aug 18,

Conversation With Seniors And Graduates (SWO19)

Zach Mabry : Summer 2019 : Friday AM Zach walked through Ephesians 4:11-16 and made a specific application to the period of life where each student must take ownership of …

Aug 15,

Starting Well, Running Well, and Finishing Well

Brody Holloway : Summer 2019 : Thursday AM During this session, Brody spoke to high school freshmen to prepare and encourage them as they embark on this new journey of …

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