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NSR: The History of the World Through the Lens of Redemption

No Sanity Required
February 15, 2021

In this episode, Brody walks through the ways God has moved from the beginning of time to bring about His plan of salvation for all people. Despite their near constant rebellion, God chose to do this through the nation of Israel. Through this people group, He would bless all of the Earth. God was moving through their suffering, through their peace, all for the purpose of bringing salvation to the brokenness of the world.

God isn’t just God to the Israelites. We have a new covenant through which Jesus provides salvation for all nations. The early disciples did their part in this by working to fulfill the Great Commission. No matter what is going on in the world, the Gospel will never be quenched. It will endure no matter what.

  • Daniel 2
  • Acts 18

P.S. If you liked this episode, we’d love to hear your feedback! Please leave us a review on Apple or Spotify and help us get the content out to help others grow in their faith and mission to equip the Church.

February 15, 2021

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