No Sanity Required
Be On Mission | SWO24 Kickoff
It’s day 1 of SWO24 Summer Camp! Please be praying for our staff and the students that will be arriving today! In this episode, Brody interviews some of the guys …
Staff Interviews And The Core Values of Snowbird | SWO24 Kickoff
In this episode, Brody walks through the 5 core values of Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. These core values explain why we do what we do and show the characteristics we hold …
SWO24 Kickoff | The Mission of Snowbird
Today marks day one of staff training for SWO24! Our staff will be arriving throughout the day and we will worship together tonight. To kick off this summer, Brody walks …
Discouragement | 8 Principles We Can Learn from Paul
How should we deal with discouragement and depression as believers? The Lord has encouraging words for those who are struggling. In this episode, Brody walks through discouragement in the life …
How to Parent According to Scripture
How can we as parents disciple and train our children according to scripture? In this episode, Brody shares some thoughts from Proverbs 22:6 and how we can raise our children …
Beyond the Flannelgraph | Mountaintops And Valleys of Doubt
The day-to-day Christian life is not a mountaintop experience. Life is messy and circumstances can cause us to doubt God. When doubt attacks our faith we need to keep pressing …
Beyond the Flannelgraph | Demas, Drifting, And How to Stay Faithful Pt. 2
Sin is deceptive and deceitful. It can cause us to turn away from the Lord. In this episode, Brody continues his conversation about Demas and walks through 7 things we …
Beyond the Flannelgraph | Demas, Drifting, And How to Stay Faithful Pt. 1
How do we live faithfully for the Lord and prevent drifting away? In this episode, Brody discusses the life of Demus, why people tend to drift away, and how we …
14 Lessons From Paul in the Book of Acts
What does the resurrection of Jesus mean for our lives? As we just celebrated Resurrection Sunday, Brody focused on the life of Paul in the book of Acts by walking …
God’s Grace is Greater Than Your Failures
Have you ever lived in shame and guilt over a mistake you made? Scripture tells us that those who are in Christ are no longer condemned but set free from …