Rahab: Jesus and His Crazy Grandmas
The mission to send spies into Jericho was a rescue mission for Rahab. Yahweh didn’t need more information about the walls of Jericho to conquer the city. He wanted to show His passion to redeem the lost and bring them into His eternal family.
The story of Rahab is an extraordinary story of courage, faith, rescue, and the power of Yahweh. Later, she marries into one of the most powerful families of Israel. Rahab, the pagan prostitute, was now grafted deeply into God’s chosen people. Centuries later, Jesus was born into the lineage of Rahab.
God didn’t send His Son into a royal lineage of religious people. Jesus was born into a family of broken people in a broken family. This story of romance and intrigue brings glory to Yahweh. Our God finds great joy in redeeming lost and broken people to Himself.
- Rahab recognized the strength of the Lord.
- Rahab recognized the glory of the Lord.
- Rahab cried out for mercy from the Lord.
Joshua 2
Joshua and the Big Wall – Veggie Tales