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Christ’s Authority, Colossians 1

Event Session
November 27, 2012

Brody Holloway | Colossians 1:15-20 | SWO12

Brody Holloway preaches on our response to Christ’s authority from Col. 1:15-20. The supremacy and preeminence of Christ over all gives us assurance of His sufficiency and authority in each of our lives.

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Romans 8

Colossian Bible study by Snowbird, cover

The Preeminence of Christ

12-Day Bible Study

By Zach Mabry

This Bible study will help you set a steady pace to study the book of Colossians over 12 days. Each section highlights a particular passage, provides background context and helps the reader examine what God is saying.

Then, it finishes with a few questions to guide your personal application.

November 27, 2012

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