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Fall Retreat: God is Completely Sovereign

Fall Retreat 2020 | Zach Mabry | Breakout

God is totally sovereign. He is 100% in control at all times. Today, Zach looks at how the Israelites ran to idolatry instead of worshipping Him. Today we make idols out of our phones or relationships but the Israelites were actually worshipping idols that they built. They didn’t trust God even when He was constantly making His presence known to them. But God is sovereign even over our sinful choices. He used their idolatry so He could spread them out all over the world and make His gospel known.

What is meant for evil, God intends for good. He hasn’t lost control. We live in a fallen world, but regardless of what’s happening in the world around us, God is sovereign. We can trust Him because He’s good.


Fall Youth Retreats at Snowbird, graphic

FALL RETREATS for Students

Life and Godliness

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January 26, 2021

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