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The Fruit of the Spirit is Christ

Jennifer Jolly | Respond Women’s Conference | Friday Night

What kind of soil are you offering to the Lord? At our recent women’s conference, Jennifer Jolly walks through Galatians 5 and the fruits of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is the character sketch of Christ. The Holy Spirit in us halts the work of the flesh and the flesh stops the work of the Spirit. Believers, we need to be disciplined to cast out the tendencies of the flesh. We need to clean out our fleshly desires and instead walk by the Spirit. 

When you walk with Christ, God will impede the works of the Spirit on you. We need to guard which outside voices we’re listening to. But, we can’t guard ourselves against the ways of this world if we’re not walking with Christ. Let the Spirit lead you by pursuing the Lord through reading His word and prayer.


  • Galatians 5
  • Romans 7:1-25
  • Galatians 4:21-35
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Respond Women’s Retreat

April 2025

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July 8, 2021

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