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God’s Love: Girls Breakout

Amy Rasmussen | 1 Corinthians 13 | SWO20 Girls Breakout

  1. God’s love is like no other love. His love extends to us constantly. It’s pure, holy, selfless, and patient. But, we must receive it.
  2. God’s love is patient – It’s available to us. It’s willing to wait. He will wait for years for us to love Him back.
  3. God’s love is kind – It builds others up and doesn’t put others to shame.
  4. God’s love is content – In God’s presence, there is fullness of joy.
  5. God’s love is humble
  6. God’s love is respectful – Jesus views us as priceless and worthy. We should view and treat others the same way.
  7. God’s love is not selfish – He is willing to suffer to give us what we need.
  8. God’s love is forgiving – He remembers that we’re only human. He remembers that we are just dust.
  9. God’s love is holy – Hate what God hates, love what God loves. You will become like whatever you’re giving your attention to.
  10. God’s love bears all things – He carries our burdens. He doesn’t give up. He is steadfast.
    He is able to love you in a way that defies explanation.

Accept His love and you will be transformed from a selfish, insecure, grudge-holding sinner to an unselfish, humble, confident, faithful forgiving friend of sinners.



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August 15, 2020

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