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Marriage Exists for the Glory of God Alone


Brody Holloway : Isaiah 48:11, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Psalm 93:3,

1 Peter 5:1, Romans 8:18, Ephesians 5 : Marriage Conference : Oct. 27, 2017

“Little things are big things in marriage but we must zoom in on the one big focus, Christ. If we would focus on the Glory of God in our lives more, then we would have many of the problems in our marriages solved.”


Your marriage was instituted for the Glory of God ALONE

>>What is the Glory of God?
The Glory of God is the holiness of God put on display.

>>What is the Holiness of God?
The holiness of God is the purity of his character and the life-giving nature of him. It can be described as the sun which brings warmth and life to the earth.



WE MUST ASK THIS QUESTION: Does my marriage exist for the Glory of God?

  • When we sin against each other in marriage, we sin against a holy God and we need to be reconciled with him first and foremost before our spouse.

“Strive to have the kind of love that Christ has for us for your spouse.”

“Gospel-driven love is selfless and sacrificial and loves that person for the Glory of God.”

  • The greatest hope we have is in the reality that, as a believer, we will one day be made perfect like Christ.
  • This is what we love our spouse for. We love them for something of more eternal significance than life.



It is never too late to glorify God more with our marriages.

  • Ephesians 5
  • We need to focus on GOD more and not our MARRIAGE.
  • He loved and saved us sacrificially, and that is how we should love our spouse.


“Creation declares the Glory of God and the one thing that will glorify him more is two selfish individuals glorifying him in the way they love and serve each other.”

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