Questions with Mark Coppenger | Iron on Iron
SWO22 | Mark Coppenger | Saturday Breakout
Mark Coppenger has served as a pastor, professor, short-term missionary, family man and many other things in his 74 years of life.
Mark Coppenger has served as a pastor, professor, short-term missionary, family man and many other things in his 74 years of life.
Whether you are a Youth Pastor, a volunteer, or a small group leader, part of your privilege and responsibility is to teach the Bible to students. In this breakout, we …
We are going to talk about our marching orders from Jesus were to go and make disciples. In light of that, everything in our student ministry needs to be focused …
We are going to look at what it is that leads people to “deconstruct” from the faith, why it is attractive, and what we can do to help prepare our …