The Freedom in Christ
Winter SWO 2021 | Brody Holloway | John 8
There’s an excitement believers experience when they first come to know the Lord. But you will face times in your life when you’re no longer excited about being a Christian. Your parent’s salvation won’t magically transfer to you. Freedom doesn’t come from your spiritual lineage. Religious behavior doesn’t make you a Christian. Guard yourself against self-righteousness. We will fail and fall short but we have to keep pursuing Jesus. Freedom from sins is found in Christ alone.
Jesus offers us freedom from our sins to live as men and women of God. If you are practicing sin, then you are a slave to sin. We’re called to abide in Him by living under the authority of His word. You’re free from the dominion of sin, but the presence of sin is still very real in this world. In your own strength, you will lose but we have the Holy Spirit in us.
Spend time pursuing the Lord through His word and He will grow you. His word will stabilize you to stand against your generation.
- John 8
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