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The Power of the Holy Spirit – Acts 3

Acts 3:1-2 – The Misery of the Beggar

The setup for the healing of this beggar is so good. We learn that this man has not been able to walk for his whole life, and people have to carry him here every day so that he can beg for money. It is safe to say this man is desperate and just looking for enough to get by with his miserable existence. This may sound harsh, but it is such an important part of the story and what we will learn from it. 

Acts 3:3-7 – Better than Silver and Gold

This man, just looking to make it another day, asks for some spare change from Peter and John. Peter tells the man, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” This man asked for just enough to get by, and Peter gives him something infinitely better – he heals this man’s broken legs and changes his life. Let’s pause here and think about the beautiful picture this is of salvation. We, in our desperation and suffering, just want relief, yet Christ makes us a new creation and gives us eternal life. The Gospel is so good it doesn’t just satisfy our needs. Ultimately, it satisfies our deepest longings and greatest desires.

Acts 3:8-10 – Joy and Amazement

The scene that follows this miraculous healing is absolutely amazing and pretty hysterical. It says the man leaped up, entered the temple, and then kept walking, leaping, and praising God. You know when something is so good you can’t say thank you or put your feelings into words, and you just laugh? The joy and emotion this man must feel is probably like that. He is probably looking at his legs, maybe walking like a toddler because he has never walked before, and then figures out how to jump in the air. This must be a truly euphoric experience for him. 

Now imagine all the people in the temple have probably seen this man hundreds of times. They pass him every time they go to the temple, and suddenly, he comes in shouting at the top of his lungs, jumping in the air, and probably laughing like a crazy person. Everything about this story shows the overwhelming nature of the Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit overwhelms the man’s broken body and makes it whole; it overwhelms his emotions with joy, and it overwhelms the onlookers; “they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him” (v. 10).

Acts 3:11-26 – It is Always About the Gospel

With this crowd of people in and around the temple now staring, Peter takes the opportunity to make the Gospel known. He proclaims the life, death, and resurrection of Christ and is clear that all this comes from the authority and power of Christ, not from themselves. He then appeals to this Jewish audience, quoting Moses, telling them that all the prophets were pointing to Jesus and that Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises to Abraham. This would have been groundbreaking for Jewish people to hear. They were hearing for the first time that the promises of the Old Testament were fulfilled – what Good News!

Spoiler alert: it doesn’t tell us this until Acts 4:4, but it says 5,000 men heard and believed the Gospel that day. Acts is marked so clearly by the work of the Holy Spirit. Some people say a more accurate title than The Acts of the Apostles would be The Acts of the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit that came upon the disciples and emboldened them to proclaim the truth is the same Spirit that healed the lame beggar and caused thousands of people to believe from just two Gospel proclamations. Praise the Lord that this Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead empowered the apostles and that he still lives in us today if we are believers.


What has Peter mentioned every time he has shared the Gospel?

How is the disciples’ ministry similar to Christ’s? In what ways is it different?

Spend some time praying for opportunities to be bold with the Gospel.


Peter put the Gospel into a context his hearers would understand by talking about Old Testament saints. What are some ways we can preach the message of the Gospel in our context?

Make a list of promises from the Scripture that Jesus fulfilled.

What are some things in the Gospel we cannot compromise or contextualize?

Memory verse 

Repent, therefore, and turn back that your sins may be blotted out.

acts 3:19
May 9, 2024

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