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Women’s Retreat

Encouraging Words from women at respond

“This experience showed me firsthand what a woman in Christ looks like. I came home knowing Jesus loves me and calls me friend.”


“I loved that all the women spoke the Gospel and truth… I grew deeper in my walk with the Lord, connected with other women in my church, and came home refreshed.”


“It was so refreshing to sit under the teaching and spend time in worship and just take time to focus on the Lord apart from the distractions of day-to-day life.”


Retreat details

Rest | Renewal | Worship (In the Mountains)

Being a woman in today’s world is difficult. You have heard a million definitions of “womanhood.” Yet, Scripture has spoken about what being a woman should look like. Biblical womanhood is a high calling. You may not be able to control what the world tells you, but you can control how you respond.

This Christian women’s retreat is packed with solid biblical teaching, inspirational worship, outdoor recreation, encouraging fellowship, delicious food, and a few surprises! We hope you can join us this spring in the mountains!

Attend Respond with family, friends, your church group, or an individual.

Retreat Schedule

Schedule is tentative. Check the Snowbird app for most current updates.


  • 5:00 pm – Arrival + Check-in
  • 6:00 pm – 1st Dinner
  • 6:45 pm – 2nd Dinner
  • 8:30 pm – Worship Service at North Campus
  • 9:30 pm – Dessert Social in the Super Coop
  • 9:45 pm – 3-man Swing, Arial Park, Snack Shack, Fire, SWO Underground


  • 8:00 am – 1st Breakfast
  • 8:30 am – 2nd Breakfast
  • 9:30 am – Worship Service at North Campus
  • 12:00 pm – 1st Lunch
  • 12:30 pm – 2nd Lunch
  • 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm On-Campus Recreation
  • 2:00 pm – Breakout
  • 3:00 pm – Breakout
  • 4:00 pm – Breakout
  • 6:00 pm – 1st Dinner
  • 6:45 pm – 2nd Dinner
  • 8:30 pm – Worship Service at North Campus
  • 10:00 pm – Snack Shack, Fire, SWO Underground


  • 8:00 am – 1st Breakfast
  • 8:30 am – 2nd Breakfast
  • 9:30 am – Worship Service at North Campus
  • 10:30 am – Departure

Retreat Speakers

Sarah Conti speaking at Respond

Sarah Conti

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Amy Davis

Anna Rose Garrett

Anna Rose Garrett

Christian Men's Conference, Brody preaching

Brody Holloway

Little Holloway teaching on biblical parenting

Little Holloway

Tiffani Long

Tiffani Long

Respond Women's Retreat graphic

Brittany Ragon

Katlyn Wyble

Katlyn Wyble

Sarah Conti

Sarah is a long-time staff member and speaker at SWO. She and her husband, Rob, met through Snowbird’s staff program years ago and have lived in the Andrews, NC, area ever since. She homeschools their three children (Molly, Marissa, and Walker), and enjoys counseling and encouraging other women in Scripture through the Respond Women’s Conference and Red Oak Church.

Amy Davis

After serving on Summer Staff, Amy Davis joined the full-time SWO staff in the early 2000s. Since then, she has served in numerous roles around the camp, including marketing and the worship band. Amy is a key part of our creative development team and helps with stage design, special projects, facility development, and branding design. She’s the one responsible for all the artwork around campus.

Her husband, Spencer Davis, is our risk management director and serves as a main session speaker for our camps and retreats, and helps lead worship. 

Married in 2006, Amy and Spencer have three children: Alani, Knox, and Jed.

Anna Rose Garrett

Anna Rose Garrett is a wife, mother, and sincere disciple-maker of younger girls. She and her husband, Graham, are active members of Red Oak Church and host a weekly discipleship group with another Snowbird family. The Garretts arrived in Andrews by way of Three Rivers Church in GA, a long-time Snowbird partner, and have jumped right into our community. She teaches breakout sessions at both our Respond Women’s Retreat and our Pure & Holy Purity Retreat for students.

Brody Holloway

Brody Holloway is the co-founder and lead pastor of Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters in Andrews, N.C. Snowbird’s ministry has trained and ministered to more than 250,000 high school and college students through its programs, conferences, camps, and retreats.

Brody is passionate about expository teaching and missions mobilization. He has spent more than 20 years preaching the Bible to students and leaders and equipping them to take the Gospel to the nations. Brody serves as Snowbird’s lead pastor and travels extensively, teaching on relevant topics such as biblical manhood, parenting, marriage, and leadership. Brody also hosts Snowbird’s No Sanity Required podcast, where he talks about doctrine, theology, and cultural issues. He is also a teaching pastor at Red Oak Church in Andrews. Brody and his wife, Little, have been married for over 30 years. They have six children, one son-in-law, and a granddaugher.

Little Holloway

Brody and Little Holloway co-founded Snowbird in 1997. They both attended Liberty University and were married in 1994. Like Brody, Little has a wealth of student ministry experience. She is a part of the worship team at SWO and teaches sessions at our Respond Women’s Retreat. The Holloway family also led the initial planting team of Red Oak Church, where most of the Snowbird staff attend. Brody serves as the pastor while Little spends much of her time ministering to girls and women in the local community. Brody and Little have been married since 1994 and have five children. Their oldest daughter, Kilby, and son-in-law, Greg, are currently serving overseas.

Tiffani Long

Tiffani Long, hospitality manager, joined our full-time staff in 2021. A native of Griffin, Georgia, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education.

Tiffani leads our hospitality team and keeps the SWO buildings clean and welcoming for our campers. In addition to managing hospitality, she also invests significant time discipling the SWO Institute students under her care. She and her husband, Adam, were first introduced to Snowbird through our partnership with their church and the SWO Marriage Conference. She and Adam have two children: Connor and Julia.

Brittany Ragon

Brittany Ragon is a wife, mom of 6, and long-time SWO staffer and first joined our team in 2010. Since then, Brittany has served as director’s assistant, staff hiring manager, and several other roles. Now, she serves as the children’s ministry director at Red Oak Church and directs our local Classical Conversations homeschool co-op.

Brittany and her husband, John, were married in 2010. Together, they lead a discipleship group at Red Oak Church and are passionate about encouraging and equipping others to continually grow in their faith and make disciples. John Ragon is our website manager, and helps create and deliver all types of resources through the Snowbird website, app, and email newsletter.

Katlyn Wyble

Katlyn Wyble is a wife, mom of 4, and long-time SWO staffer. Her husband, James, is our assistant grounds director and helps lead the Snowbird Missions & Outreach program every summer.

Katlyn is involved in women’s ministry at Red Oak Church. She came to SWO as a camper before working a few summers as a counselor, then interned for two years. This is where she met her husband, James, who has worked full-time at SWO for over a decade now. Katlyn loves to encourage others toward the goodness of the Lord and enjoys teaching topical breakout sessions at Respond.


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Poopie Pole at SWO
Paintball at Christian youth camp
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Snowbird disc golf course
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Listen to Past Retreats

You can listen to all of our previous Respond Women’s sessions in our Resources section. Besides our current teachers, you can also find teaching recordings from Bethany Clark, Amy Davis, Little Holloway, Amy Rasmussen, Brooke Lovingood, and others.

Get the FAQs

Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the exposition of Scripture and personal relationships in order to equip the Church to impact this generation. This Gospel-driven mission is what every one of our retreats is focused on.

Learn about our history and mission, or jump into our published resources and session recordings to get a sample of the teaching at SWO.

How do I register and prepare for arrival?

Click the button below to set up your Snowbird account and pay a small deposit (per person) to register your spot for Respond. You can easily choose to register as an individual or group. If you’re coming as a group then we’ll make sure you’re housing is set up together.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out. Call us at (828)321-2210 or email us any time. We’re here to help!

What is the programming like at Snowbird?

The Snowbird women’s retreat is packed with biblical preaching, worship, breakouts, recreation, and building relationships with other student pastors.

What recreation do you provide at Respond?

The scheduled recreation at Respond includes any of our on-campus options like our climbing tower, aerial park, 3-man swing, and gun range. You’ll also have time to grab a quick hike or check out a local coffee shop.

What types of housing do you provide?

We have over 14 cabins on our campus, divided by bedrooms for each group. They each provide twin-sized bunk beds, air conditioning, and heat. Our cleaning team takes great pride in keeping things clean but the buildings are simply functional. You’ll need to provide your own bedding, pillow and towels. One of our 4 bathhouses is just a short walk from each cabin.

How do I add or drop additional spots to my group?

You can add additional spots to your group as long as the retreat is not full. The best way to find out is to open your Snowbird Account and see if there are any remaining spots open for the retreat. However, you’ll want only to register spots that you’re certain you’ll need. The deposit is non-refundable.

Event Graphics

What to Bring

Registration Guide

Registration Agreement

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