Luke 9
A Challenge to the SWO24 Summer Staff
We’ve officially completed the 10 weeks of SWO24 summer camp. This episode is a message Brody gave to the SWO24 Summer Staff. Brody challenges and encourages the staff by walking …
Beyond the Flannelgraph | Mountaintops And Valleys of Doubt
The day-to-day Christian life is not a mountaintop experience. Life is messy and circumstances can cause us to doubt God. When doubt attacks our faith we need to keep pressing …
Our Greatest Enemy
Joseph Tucker | Breakout Your greatest enemy isn’t Satan, but the sin dwelling within you. Satan will use the world and our flesh to tempt us, lure us away, and …
The Transfiguration and the Glory of God
In Luke 9, Jesus revealed his glory in the transfiguration. Throughout history, there have been glimpses of God’s glory being revealed in specific ways but there wasn’t a full disclosure. …
How To Share The Gospel With Muslims
“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in …
What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple?
James K. Dew | College Retreat 2022 | Friday Evening What does it mean to be a disciple? During the 2022 College Retreat, Jamie Dew answered this question using Mark …
The Muslim Profession of Faith (Pillar 1)
What is the Muslim Profession of Faith (Shahadah)? “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his prophet.” The Shahadah is the one key thing required for someone to …
Advent: Some Worship and Some Reject
Day 25 Personal Study “And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For …
Dying in a Pornographic Culture
Be Strong 2021 Fall There is nothing God-honoring in sexual sin. God created sex—the world did not. So we should not be living in a way that says the world …
Beyond the Flannelgraph | A Character Sketch of Peter
At the end of your life, will you be able to say that you kept the faith? The Lord uses Peter to boldly proclaim Christ—despite his failures. Peter wasn’t always …