Anxiety and Depression
Pursuing Joy In Christ
Rob Conti | SWO22 Summer Camp How do we fight for joy? The reality of people experiencing depression right now is only rising. We will all experience seasons of sorrow. …
Pursuing Joy In Seasons Of Depression
Respond | Sarah Conti | Breakout Session One Depression is a common struggle for mankind—even for Christians. Scripture shows us example after example of people in raw sorrow, grief, and …
Panel Discussion (Respond Women’s Session
Panel: Little Holloway, Amy Davis, Jennifer Jolly, Rocky Mabry, and Sarah Conti. Moderator: Bethany Clark 7 Ways to Help Children Who No Longer Believe in God and Claim to be …
Men, What Are You Fighting For?
Be Strong 2021 What are you fighting and striving for? At the end of Paul’s life, he was able to say that he finished well. Brody walked through what we …
The Light and Hope of the Gospel Despite Addiction
Listen to part 1 here. Sean Casteel has been sober and walking with the Lord for over 7 years now. The Lord saved his soul from death and gave him …
The Darkness and Consequences of Addiction
Today, Brody sits down with Sean Casteel to hear his life story and how the Lord saved him from a life of drug addiction and prison time. Sean now works …
Panel Discussion On Biblical Womanhood
Panel: Little Holloway, Sarah Conti, Amy Rasmussen, and Amy Davis. Moderator: Bethany Clark What encouragement would you give to the mama that continually feels like she’s not doing enough …
The Anchor of Christ in the Storm of Depression
[buzzsprout episode=’3303922′ player=’true’] Depression and anxiety are real. And, Christians aren’t immune to them. But, there is a difference in how we deal with it. How are Christians able to …
When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll
Just before the Great Chicago Fire burned virtually all of Horatio Spafford’s business investments, he watched pneumonia take the life of his four-year-old son. As a result of both tragedies, …