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Biblical Studies

Sep 18,

Jonah’s Disobedience (Part 1) | Beyond the Flannelgraph

In the book of Jonah, we see God working according to his will despite Jonah’s disobedience. Jonah didn’t think Nineveh deserved God’s grace and compassion, so he ran from the …

Sep 11,

A Deeper Dive Into The Life Of Joseph

In this episode, Brody sits down with Rob Conti and Spencer Davis to dive deeper into the Summer Camp sessions they taught on the life of Joseph in Genesis. Here …

Aug 8,

God’s Sovereignty in the Life of Joseph | SWO23

Brody Holloway | SWO23 Thursday Night In Genesis 44, we see Joseph extending grace to his brothers after they had betrayed him. Joseph reconciles with his brothers! In that moment …

Jun 28,

What Is Biblical Exposition & Why Is It So Important?

God’s Word has the power to save lost souls and sanctify the hearts of Christians. We don’t want to read our thoughts into it, we want to get God’s thoughts …

May 15,

The Unlawful Trial of Jesus

Jesus’s trial was illegal according to Roman and Jewish law. In this episode, Brody looks at 8 illegalities of the trial of Jesus. Understanding the trial of Jesus helps us …

May 8,

Tattoos, Bacon, Beer | Christianity & the Law Pt. 2

Continuing the conversation on the Law, Brody sits down with Rob Conti and Spencer Davis. Rob and Spencer are two of the pastors from Red Oak Church who also serve …

May 1,

Tattoos, Bacon, Beer | Christianity & the Law

As New Testament believers, how do we apply the Law to our lives? Jesus came to fulfill the Law, not abolish it. The Law exposes our sinful desires and tendencies.  …

Mar 28,

Mary’s Submission | Winter SWO Session

Mary was a young woman living in a rural, small town. She found favor in the Lord’s sight and was faithful to him. The task she was appointed to would …

Mar 23,

Josiah’s Resolve | Winter SWO Session

Josiah became King when he was only eight years old. The kingdom he inherited was sinful and slipping into pagan idolatry and practice. Today, we live in an idolatrous and …

Mar 21,

Ruth’s Redemption | Winter SWO Session

In the story of Ruth we see themes of redemption and renewal.  The book of Ruth starts amidst famine, death, and hopelessness. It ends with harvest, new life, and legacy. …

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