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Jul 3,

The Reality of Hell

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1 In this episode, Brody walks through Mark 9 and discusses the reality of sin …

Jun 4,

Jesus’ Authority Over Satan

Satan is the father of lies. He attacks us in our weakest moments and right after great victories in our lives. So, we need to be aware of Satan’s schemes …

Apr 4,

How to Spot a Wolf | Iron on Iron

Some people claim to be Christians but aren’t. They infiltrate the church and lead people away from the Lord. How do we spot these wolves in our churches? In this …

Apr 1,

14 Lessons From Paul in the Book of Acts

What does the resurrection of Jesus mean for our lives? As we just celebrated Resurrection Sunday, Brody focused on the life of Paul in the book of Acts by walking …

Mar 25,

God’s Grace is Greater Than Your Failures

Have you ever lived in shame and guilt over a mistake you made? Scripture tells us that those who are in Christ are no longer condemned but set free from …

Mar 21,

What Enduring Love Looks Like | Pure and Holy

What does love that endures look like? Every human longs to be loved. We all have access to God’s love. 1 Corinthians 13 shows us a Biblical definition of what …

Mar 19,

Love That Covers Sin & Shame | Pure & Holy

Pure & Holy | Rob Conti | Saturday NightOnly God gets to define love. God sent his Son to shed his blood for us to cover our sins. 1 Corinthians …

Mar 14,

11 Qualities of Christ’s Love | Pure & Holy

Our culture is confused about what love is right now. 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 shows us what love is and describes God’s love for us. In this session, Spencer walks through …

Mar 12,

How God Loves Us | Pure & Holy

The world offers us cheap substitutes for love. The type of love the world offers will not satisfy or fulfill you. God offers us a lasting love that doesn’t require …

Mar 5,

Jesus Feeds The 5,000 | Winter SWO

Jesus did not just come to meet our temporary needs. He can and will meet your eternal needs. In this session, Rob Conti walks through John 6, where Jesus feeds …

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