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Aug 17,

SWO19 Youth Pastor Breakout: Preparing to Teach the Bible

Summer 2019  It is imperative that we both faithfully interpret the Word of God and effectively communicate it to our audience. In this youth leader breakout, we look at principles …

Aug 16,

SWO19 Breakout: The Case for the Resurrection

Summer 2019  The truthfulness of the Gospel hinges on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The apostle Paul made it crystal clear in 1 Corinthians 15 that if …

Aug 13,

SWO19 Breakout: Is Jesus the Only Way

Summer 2019  “Aren’t there many ways to God?” “How do we know Jesus is the right way and not another religion?” “How can Christians say that they are right and …

May 20,

Did Jesus Really Claim to be God?

We’ve noted that all of Scripture points to Jesus, but what did Jesus say about Himself? Did He really claim to be God? Does Islam have any ground to stand …

May 19,

What Does the Bible Say About Jesus?

The most vital thing for each of us is to know and follow Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. For most of us in the American church, this …

May 2,

The Presence of the Lord in Times of Anxiety | Women’s Session

Brody Holloway : Acts 18 : Respond Conference Women’s Conference : April 28, 2019 God may be doing any number of things when we suffer or endure difficulty and hardship. …

Apr 16,

Religion, Science, & My Personal Philosophy on a Christian’s Education

By Robert Lane Education is impossible to avoid. We don’t choose to be educated or non-educated. The only option we have is what we are educated in and the level …

Apr 9,

How I Prepared to Teach Colossians to Students

By Seth Stewart Start with a Long-Term Strategy I very rarely choose a book in isolation. Each year, I make sure my students get a healthy diet of Scripture. I …

Mar 21,

Be Strong: Kingdom and Country

Zach Mabry : 1 Peter 2 : Be Strong Where is our identity found? Are we primarily American or primarily Christian? Where are we putting our faith and hope? When …

Jan 30,

College Retreat: Entering into Enemy-Controlled Territory

Zach Mabry : College Retreat : January 2019 Don’t be tempted to excel in the academic world to the extent that you are willing to compromise the Truth. You may …

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