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Marriage & Family

May 2,

Brittany Price Brooker Testimony | Women’s Session

Brittany Price Brooker : Respond Conference : April 27, 2019 This year at Respond, Brittany shared her incredible testimony of the steadfast love of the Lord through the sudden death …

May 2,

I Am Who You Say I Am | Women’s Session

Amy Rasmussen : Respond Conference : April 27, 2019

May 2,

Celebrate His Steadfast Love | Women’s Session

Sarah Conti : Psalm 103 : Respond Conference : April 27, 2019 We are created to worship God, but we are a people prone to forget the one true God …

Apr 17,

Marriage: Characteristics of a Biblical Marriage

Brody Holloway : Genesis 3 : Marriage Conference : April 13, 2019 When we look at the characteristics of biblical marriage, the common theme is sanctification. Both man and the …

Apr 17,

How to Proclaim the Gospel in Your Marriage

Zach Mabry : Ephesians 5 : Marriage Conference : April 14, 2019 Since the beginning of time, marriage has been under attack because it is the quickest way to pervert …

Apr 17,

The Gospel and the First Marriage

Brody Holloway : Genesis 2 : Marriage Conference : April 13, 2019 God blessed creation and made it holy. This is what He brought the first marriage into. When we …

Apr 16,

Sex, The Safeguard of Mutual Satisfaction In Marriage

Dallas Bozeman : 1 Corinthians 7 : Marriage Conference : April 12, 2019 Imagine how much healthier our marriages would be if our aim was to bring satisfaction to the …

Apr 16,

Panel Discussion On Godly Marriage

Panel: Gar Bozeman, Bethany Clark, Rob Conti, and Little Holloway. Moderator: Spencer Davis Questions: I want to start leading my wife and kids toward the Lord but I did not …

Mar 21,

Vic Carpenter, Boldness In Personal Evangelism | Men’s Session

Vic Carpenter : John 4 : Be Strong We must plan our day around interacting with people with the hope of sharing the Gospel. We will not be able to …

Mar 21,

Be Strong: But As For You

Brody Holloway : 1 Timothy 6 : Be Strong To be a man of God-to be called that- is the greatest, yet simplest description we could ask for and work …

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