Leaving Snowbird to Reach the Unreached | No Sanity Stories
In this episode, Brody sits down with James and Jenna Roberts, former Snowbird staffers who are currently on furlough. James and Jenna serve in Togo, West Africa, and are back …
Preaching The Gospel In A Postmodern World
Iron on Iron | Jon Rouleau | Breakout Students need leaders that show them how to live obediently and point them to the Lord. How can we encourage our students …
Sharing The Gospel With Confidence
Rob Conti | Summer Camp Breakout Jesus told us to go tell everyone about the good news—the good news that they can have eternal life, be forgiven of sin, and …
A Conversation On Missions Abroad and At Home Pt. 2
The local church is God’s plan for advancing the Gospel. What are you doing now to reach the people in your community? Continuing the conversation on missions abroad and at …
A Conversation On Missions Abroad and At Home Pt. 1
Believers, we should never lose site of the responsibility we have to take the Gospel to every nation. John Baxter is a career missionary and church planter who serves with …
How To Share The Gospel With Muslims
“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in …
A Conversation On The Crisis In Ukraine
Brody sat down with Yuri, a Pastor in Denver, CO, to discuss what is going on in Ukraine and how believers can be praying for the church there. Yuri is …
14 Lessons Paul Teaches us in Acts
There is much we can learn from Paul’s faithful example in Acts. At the end of the day, what does the book of Acts teach us about Paul and the …
Alms Tax for the Poor and the Needy (Pillar 3)
Required Tax for the Poor and Needy (zakat) Islamic law requires Muslims to pay a tax, referred to as “alms” (zakat). This tax is usually a 2.5% tax levied on …
The 5 Daily Prayers of Islam: A Christian Perspective
The 5 Daily Prayers of Muslims (Salat) Muslims are required to pray fives times each day, facing Mecca in the East. These 5 daily prayers of Islam are delivered up …