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A Conversation On Missions Abroad and At Home Pt. 2

The local church is God’s plan for advancing the Gospel. 

What are you doing now to reach the people in your community? Continuing the conversation on missions abroad and at home, Brody and John Baxter discuss how we can be a resource and share the Gospel with those in our communities. 

Believers, let’s live out the Gospel. We need to fight against the dangers of the consumer, or spectator, mentality in our churches. Let’s be people of action who care for the souls and lives around us. 

John Baxter is a career missionary and church planter who serves with Converge, a missions organization that focuses on strengthening churches and sending missionaries overseas.

Contact John Baxter at if you have any questions or want to dig deeper into this conversation on global missions.

Converge Ministries is the missions organization that John has served with.

P.S. If you liked this episode, we’d love to hear your feedback! Please leave us a review on Apple or Spotify and help us get the content out to help others grow in their faith and mission to equip the Church.

May 30, 2022

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