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Personal Discipleship

May 8,

Tattoos, Bacon, Beer | Christianity and the Law Pt. 2

Continuing the conversation on the Law, Brody sits down with Rob Conti and Spencer Davis. Rob and Spencer are two of the pastors from Red Oak Church who also serve …

May 1,

Tattoos, Bacon, Beer | Christianity and the Law

As New Testament believers, how do we apply the Law to our lives? Jesus came to fulfill the Law, not abolish it. The Law exposes our sinful desires and tendencies.  …

Apr 27,

United With Christ

God declares us righteous by faith. In Adam, we were all under the penalty of sin. Whereas in Christ, we have been justified through his work on the cross. Believers, …

Apr 24,

Brody’s Interview From The Pirate Monk Podcast

This episode of NSR is from Brody’s discussion on the Pirate Monk podcast.  Brody talked with Nate Larkin and Aaron Porter about how shared experiences strengthen relationships. They also talked …

Apr 17,

The Discipline and Love of God

You may have a skewed view of how God the Father disciplines his children. We tend to think that the Lord punishes us and shames us for our mistakes. God …

Apr 6,

Biblical Decision Making for Teens

Iron on Iron | Joseph Tucker | Breakout What does biblical decision making look like in your youth ministry? Just because we can do something doesn’t mean it’s a good …

Mar 14,

Who Do You Say That Jesus Is?

Who do you say that Jesus is?  He was more than just a man, he was and is God. Jesus taught that he was the promised Messiah and that his …

Mar 7,

Seek The Things That Are Above

Rob Conti | Sunday Morning | Pure & Holy Believers, we are commanded to seek the things above, not the things of this world. In today’s culture, we are inundated …

Feb 28,

Resist Temptation by Standing Firm in Christ

Jon Rouleau | Guys Breakout | Pure & Holy Men, we are designed to lead in the church and our homes. How do we say no to the easily accessible …

Feb 27,

What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple Of Jesus?

What is discipleship?  As believers, we are called to study the teachings of Jesus through his Word and then model our lives after him. A disciple is not someone who …

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