Personal Discipleship
Salvation At The Foot Of The Cross, Mark 15:39
By Maiah Baker Conversion in Mark 15:39 This conversion story is my favorite because of the intensely dramatic elements involved in it. The king of the universe just died, and …
Respond: Studying Scripture
Sarah Conti | Respond | 2014 Sarah Conti shares with the women of the Respond Conference on the importance of studying the Scriptures. The standard of truth is not our …
Hebrews 2 Video – Identity in Christ
Rob Conti shares from his study in Hebrews 2, looking at what our identity in Christ really means.
Make War: Guy Breakout
Zach Mabry | Breakout | 2014 Zach Mabry instructs the young men at the 2014 Make War Conference on the need for Godly men in our society. Looking at 1 …
Make War: A New Affection
Spencer Davis | Make War | 2014 Spencer Davis examines 1 Thessalonians 4 during the 2014 Make War conference. Pursuing sexual purity is not solved by a list of …
Fight for Holiness
Brody Holloway | Make War 2014 | Ephesians 5 Brody Holloway starts off the 2014 Make War conference by looking at Ephesians 5. As adopted children of God, we are …
Family Retreat: Joshua 24
Brody Holloway | Family Retreat | Joshua 24 Brody Holloway looks at the final words of Joshua to the Israelites and the lasting legacy believers are called to leave in …
Family Retreat: Ephesians 5
Brody Holloway | Family Retreat 2013 | Ephesians 5 Brody Holloway examines biblical instruction for families in Ephesians 5 and gives practical application toward reflecting the relational nature of God …
Marriage Retreat: Genesis 3
Brody Holloway | Marriage Retreat 2013 | Genesis 3 Brody Holloway continues in the book of Genesis during the 2013 Marriage Retreat. By looking at Adam & Eve’s sin in …
Dealing With Divorce: How To Honor The Lord And Your Parents
Rob Conti | Breakout Rob Conti teaches students how to honor the Lord and their parents while dealing with divorce. Following a Biblical understanding concerning divorce, Rob takes a practical …