Personal Discipleship
Keep Yourselves in the Love of God | Youth Ministry
As believers, we have a responsibility to recognize wolves in our communities. We will know them by how they live their lives; as unauthentic believers. God calls believers to be …
Beyond the Flannelgraph | Demas, Drifting, And How to Stay Faithful Pt. 2
Sin is deceptive and deceitful. It can cause us to turn away from the Lord. In this episode, Brody continues his conversation about Demas and walks through 7 things we …
Beyond the Flannelgraph | Demas, Drifting, And How to Stay Faithful Pt. 1
How do we live faithfully for the Lord and prevent drifting away? In this episode, Brody discusses the life of Demus, why people tend to drift away, and how we …
3 Questions About Growing as a Godly Woman
We live in a world that is sabotaging our purity. How do we grow an appetite for godliness? In this session, Anna Rose walks through 3 questions on purity and …
When I Became A Man | Pure and Holy
Biblical masculinity is being attacked by culture today. We need to pursue what the Bible has to say about being a godly man instead of listening to the world. In …
11 Qualities of Christ’s Love
Our culture is confused about what love is right now. 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 shows us what love is and describes God’s love for us. In this session, Spencer walks through …
How God Loves Us
The world offers us cheap substitutes for love. The type of love the world offers will not satisfy or fulfill you. God offers us a lasting love that doesn’t require …
Jesus Feeds The 5,000
Jesus did not just come to meet our temporary needs. He can and will meet your eternal needs. In this session, Rob Conti walks through John 6, where Jesus feeds …
Attacking Deconstruction | A Prescription for Endurance
How do we guard ourselves against deconstruction? Progressive Christianity starts by rejecting Jesus and creating a new idea of who Jesus is. In this episode, Brody breaks down how new …
Jesus Heals a Woman and Jairus’s Daughter
Jesus can heal us spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. In this session, Brody walks through 2 stories in Mark 5 where Jesus healed those with feeble faith. The safest place you …