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Spiritual Growth

Mar 1,

The Holiness of God

Brody Holloway : Winter SWO Student Session : Isaiah 6 Jesus can transform your situation. And, He has the compassion and desire to do something about it. When Jesus interacted …

Mar 1,

God is Always in Control

    Spencer Davis : Winter SWO : Luke 2 The entire Old Testament looks toward the coming of Jesus. Prophecy upon prophecy was written about the Messiah — and …

Jan 24,

Fall Retreats: Glorious Victory in Christ

  Rob Conti : Fall Retreats : Philippians 3:17-19 : Rooted Maintaining an eternal perspective is essential in the life of a believer. Scripture gives us a clear view of …

Jan 24,

Fall Retreats: Living Under the Light of the Gospel

Brody Holloway : Fall Retreats : 2 Corinthians 5 : Rooted We need instruction to worship Jesus and love others well. Paul provides these instructions in his letters to the …

Jan 24,

Fall Retreats: Christ is the Conquering King

  Brody Holloway : Fall Retreats: Ephesians 1:15 : Rooted Who do you say that Jesus is? Your perception of Jesus is the biggest thing you must wrap your mind …

Jan 24,

Fall Retreats: Rooted in Christ

Zach Mabry : Fall Retreats : Colossians 2:6-10 : Rooted The Christian’s goal is to be completely rooted in Christ to the extent that all of our growth and foundation …

Jan 24,

Fall Retreats: Live Worthy of the Gospel

  Spencer Davis : Fall Retreats : Colossians 2:6-7 : Rooted Paul entered into the Pharisee’s game of trying to earn God’s favor and being self-righteous about it, but rebukes …

Jan 24,

Fall Retreats: Finding Roots in Christ

Cam Seals : Fall Retreats : Exodus 3 : Rooted Rooting yourself in Christ begins with your knowledge of God and who He is. This allows your roots to solidify …

Oct 6,

God Remains Faithful To His People | Biblical Manhood

  Brody Holloway : Be Strong : Saturday AM God will remain faithful because His faithfulness doesn’t depend on our faithfulness. God forgives, but sin still affects our lives while on …

Oct 6,

Stand Strong In The Faith & Power Of The Gospel (For Men)

Brody Holloway : Be Strong : Friday PM The biblical man does not rely on his strength as the foundation in his relationship to God. He humbly admits his brokenness …

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