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May 9,

Why Study The Bible | Respond Women’s Session

Jenn Forchetti : Respond : Saturday Morning : Hebrews 4:12 Spending time in God’s Word affects everything in your day, including interactions with those around you. It is impossible to grow if …

May 9,

Panel Discussion | Women’s Session

  Panel: Amy Davis, Sarah Conti, Jenn Forchetti, and Bethany Clark. Moderator: Spencer Davis Once you complete the social media detox, how do you decrease awkwardness of re-entering society? – …

May 9,

Victory Is The Fight (Respond Women’s Session)

  Little Holloway : Respond : Friday Night : Luke 10:38-48 and John 21:1-12 If you feel like you’re waiting for your victory, take heart! Your victory is that you’re fighting your sin! …

Nov 3,

Marriage In An Eternal Spectrum

Brody Holloway : Marriage Conference : Matthew 22:23-40 : Sunday AM Marriage is a temporal shadow of something that will last forever. Our approach to marriage reflects our union with Christ. Marriage is …

Nov 3,

Coheirs with Christ | Marriage Session

The Gospel applies to every area of life. The goal of marriage is to glorify the Lord through our sanctification and joy in Christ. Temporary happiness and ease of life …

Nov 3,

Panel Discussion On Marriage Q&A

Panel: Zach Mabry, Little Holloway, Rob Conti, and Spencer Davis. Moderator: Brody Holloway We know communication is vital to our marriage and our marriage’s success but we don’t know how …

Nov 3,

The Gospel Shining Through Marriage | Marriage Session

Brody Holloway : Marriage Conference : Saturday PM If we as husbands and wives will dedicate ourselves to the study of the Bible and rest in the power of the Holy …

Oct 26,

Resources That Will Strengthen Your Marriage

Once again, we had a fantastic October filled with two weekends of marriage conferences. This year we focused our teaching on the reality that we are Co-heirs of Life in …

Sep 19,

The Redemptive Rescue of Rahab

Little Holloway | Girl’s Night | SWO16 Wednesday PM As the generation of women of the postmodern era, how do we fight temptation and societal pressures to conform, when the …

Sep 9,

Redeeming Your Identity (SWO16 Girls Session)

Brody Holloway | Breakout | SWO16 Wednesday AM This session focuses on cultivating Godly women of modernity to impact the world with the Gospel. This begins with fervently believing that …

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