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NSR: 9 Observations On Jealousy

No Sanity Required
October 15, 2020

Here are 9 observations about jealousy. Brody points out ways to combat it and acknowledges when jealousy can actually be healthy. Don’t compare yourselves to others—that’s a sure way to weaken your daily faithfulness. Comparison reveals a dissatisfaction in where the Lord has you and what He’s done for you. Instead, we must learn how to be satisfied in Christ alone. Fight this by pressing into Christ and abiding in His Word daily.

There is a type of jealousy that is good. One that calls for an exclusive relationship with the Lord. The Lord is a jealous God. He seeks our whole heart and calls us to put no idols before Him. He demands worship that brings us into His presence and makes us more like Him. This gives us purpose and value, and drive.


  • Genesis 4
  • Proverbs 6:8

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October 15, 2020

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