No Sanity Required
Season 6 | Farewells, Trusting the Lord, And Catching up with Moses Holloway
Welcome to season 6 of NSR! We’re excited for this new season of the podcast and another season of ministry at camp. We’ll be welcoming a new editor to the …
A Challenge to the SWO24 Summer Staff
We’ve officially completed the 10 weeks of SWO24 summer camp. This episode is a message Brody gave to the SWO24 Summer Staff. Brody challenges and encourages the staff by walking …
Generate Joy | How to Be Content, With Amy Davis
How can we be truly content while expecting more from God? This episode is from Amy Davis’s podcast, Generate Joy. Brody and Amy sit down to talk about contentment and …
SWO24 | Updates From Camp And Interviews with Students
In today’s episode, Brody walks around the Super Coop and interviews students about how their week at camp has been. Listen as students share funny stories from their week and …
25 Years Protecting Presidents in the Secret Service (Part 2) | No Sanity Stories
In this episode, Brody continues his conversation with Scott Bryson, his first cousin who recently retired from the Secret Service. They discuss God’s sovereignty and some funny stories from his …
25 Years Protecting Presidents in the Secret Service | No Sanity Stories
In this episode, Brody sits down with his first cousin, Scott Bryson, a recently retired Secret Service Agent. During his career, he’s served to protect five U.S. Presidents, from Clinton …
The Reality of Hell
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1 In this episode, Brody walks through Mark 9 and discusses the reality of sin …
The Dwindling Desire to Grow Up (Part 2)
In this episode, Brody continues the conversation on the lack of young adults stepping into adulthood. He walks through the first 4 chapters of the book, The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt, …
The Dwindling Desire to Grow Up (Part 1)
How do we address this cultural issue of students not wanting to step into adulthood? A recent survey from, where they surveyed employers on interviewing young adults today, tells …
Jesus’ Authority Over Satan
Satan is the father of lies. He attacks us in our weakest moments and right after great victories in our lives. So, we need to be aware of Satan’s schemes …