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Present Sufferings and Future Glory

How do we make sense of suffering?

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18)

What is the hardest day of your life you could imagine? Or, consider the sufferings of this present time of the Coronavirus. The suffering of this present age doesn’t compare to the glory that Christ will one day reveal. Let’s find hope and peace in that.

For the Christian, our death means eternity with God. He is infinite in His glory, power, and majesty. Our hope rests in this reality. There is something that awaits us on the other side of death, and our sufferings in this life can not compare to it. We will one day see Jesus as we never have before. We will gaze upon the full glory of Christ our King!

“The glory of God is the holiness of God put on display.” – John Piper

“Glory is the created brightness that surrounds God’s revelation of Himself.” – Wayne Grudem


  • Romans 1, 5:2, 8:18
  • Psalm 19, 24
  • Isaiah 6, 43:7, 48:11
  • On Christ the Solid Rock (hymn)
  • Romans: Righteousness From Heaven (Preaching the Word commentary) – Kent Hughes
  • Westminster Shorter Catechism
April 13, 2020

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