Event Session
Press On with Purpose
Jon Rouleau | Winter SWO In this message from Winter SWO, Jon Rouleau challenges us to reflect on the value of following Christ despite life’s difficulties. He reminds us that nothing …
Why We Can Trust God in Hard Times
Spencer Davis | Winter SWO In this sermon, Spencer tackles the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” using the story of Job. Spencer emphasizes that our questions …
Consider The Cost
Brody Holloway | WinterSWO Following Jesus demands wholehearted devotion, shaping every aspect of our lives to reflect his Gospel. This commitment comes at a cost, requiring sacrifice and unwavering faith. …
Overcoming the Lies of the World
Brody Holloway | Pure and Holy In this Pure and holy session, Brody talks about how the lies we believe can impact our lives and our relationships. Satan is the …
Seeing Our Lives From God’s Perspective
Rob Conti | Pure and Holy In this session, Rob explores how viewing our lives from God’s perspective transforms our understanding of ourselves and our sexuality. He discusses how this …
The Radical Power Of Renewing Your Mind
JB Kidd | Pure and Holy In this Pure and Holy breakout session, JB Kidd reflects on her journey of faith and challenges us to move beyond rules and understand …
Rising Above Temptation As A Man
During this Pure and Holy Breakout, Xavier Hart teaches through the story of Cain and Abel, showing how Cain fell into sin and how we can fall into temptation too. …
Is It Worth It To Follow Jesus?
Jon Rouleau | Pure and Holy Is following Jesus truly worth it? In this session, Jon examines the challenges and rewards of a life dedicated to Christ. While the path …
Trusting God In A Confusing World
Spencer Davis | Pure and Holy In this episode, Spencer dives into the tension between what the world tells us about sex and sexuality versus what the Church teaches, exploring …
Establishing Gospel Centered Principles As A College Student
In this breakout, Jake Schwarting dives into the importance of setting up Gospel-centered principles in your life, especially during the college years. He encourages students to use this time to …