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The Resurrection and the Life

Brody Holloway | John 11

We often want God to respond to us in a certain way and on our timeline. Though God is in tune to them and sensitive to them, He is not bound by our demands or desires. Sometimes God says “yes”, sometimes he says “no”, and sometimes He says “not yet”. But one of the hardest things is when God says “yes, but it is going to feel like no for a while.” We need to trust and wait when waiting is part of the plan.

The more you walk with the Lord, and the deeper that walk is, the more you are able to accept and trust whatever He has for me. Trusting that God is bringing glory to Himself in your life means trusting that He is bringing good into your life. This is not always easy but is it necessary for growth in all of our walks with the Lord.

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Fall Student Retreats

Join us this coming fall for one of our weekend student retreats.

April 3, 2019

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