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Family Matters | Be Strong

Timmy Burnette | Be Strong | Breakout

Men, your role in life is never separated from your doctrine. 

How should the Gospel guide our daily lives as men? Titus 2 directs us to be examples in the community and in our homes. We’re to be sober-minded and to not be controlled by outside sources. We need to develop a whole and healthy belief in the Word of God. Let’s pursue the Lord to be godly men, husbands, and fathers. 

“If we’re not careful, we’ll raise up Peter Pans who never grow up.”


  • Titus 2

View Breakout Notes

Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about the culture in which we live.  I have been praying through my response to the world… what will we do as leaders of the church in response to such a different world that we seem to be living in.  It seems we are making choices that we thought we would never make…so today is a sermon that I have been wrestling with myself for a few weeks, and I feel it is good that we break from Acts for a week and look at this text that speaks to everyone of us in the church… it is going to speak to the foundations of how we are to live in regards to the work of the gospel and response to this messed up world,..  specifically how we function on a personal level and on a family level… we want encourage you in the place of life you are at right now.. we want to encourage you to embrace how God has designed you… we want to connect you to your seat in life and how the doctrine should be expressed in how you live…. Answering the questions along the way… how do we function as a church…. How can we change the culture… what can I do for the kingdom….. so today is a reminder and a encouragement… you may need to repent for not accepting your role.. you may need to shore up the way you are living in light of solid doctrine and todays text….what ever your response embrace it today with joy trusting this is the message for the Lords Church today…

Now in way of background and context..      

  • Titus was a minister of the gospel who previously had been of great help to Paul in the missionary enterprise.
  • Though written specifically to Titus, the letter was intended to be read before the gathered church. The church probably consisted of several house churches throughout the major cities of Crete.
  • Paul appointed Titus to establish a sound and healthy church on Crete. He gave Titus instructions on appointing church leaders; he provided a model of teaching, the older instructing the younger, which ensured the ongoing strengthening of the church and its people; Paul emphasized order, good behavior, and trustworthy character as fitting for Christians; he warned of the false teachers and their destructive influence; he closed with personal remarks

These instructions are given within the context of Paul imploring Titus to teach and live sound doctrine… and so what we have here is what sound doctrine in the life of the church looks like…you the way we live and function is what sets us aside.. now it is the doctrine and teaching in our hearts … but the way we live life is an overflow of that doctrine.. Titus, and all believers, must stand in stark contrast to the false teachers. Correct belief produces health and wholeness, while erroneous teachings result in disobedience and worthlessness (Titus 1:16). Paul was not advocating the “health and wealth” doctrine …. but a spiritual health which proceeds from faith in God. Doctrine which remains undistorted, free from the infections of human opinion or philosophies, will bring healing to the soul and stability to life.[1]

 So as we are thinking about the matters of the family …Family Matters We will look at the Roles and Distinctives of the Family of God…….notice with me first is simply the distinctives

Distinctives ….each categories is mentioned for who they are

  1. Age, gender, …they are accepted for their function…

Expected to bring in their differences…Paul does not tell the men that they need to become women, or the women to become men.. or the young to become older, of the older to become younger… they are accepted for the person God has made them to be…and so you have the church made up of all these differences… and it’s truly harmony… and could I suggest it the true community that people are longing for.. they want acceptance they want diversity but on there terms.. the God has designed that community and he has called it the church..

2. The harmony of the diversity 

3. Mind the gender …so we live in a culture were there is confusion in what it

means to be a man or a woman… and if you are not blind to the news you see a young man who could not beat the other young men in his sport decide that he would compete with women….you have those who are transsexual, pansexual.. people who identify as a system.. or a horde.. honestly it pitiful.. now there is not  one reason we can pin all these problems on… but our response cannot be acceptance of behavior.. we can accept them and love them… but this behavior is destructive …and must be answered with grace and sound doctrine… so Paul the minds the genders…celebrate the differences… you are man…awesome.. you’re a women awesome….I am glad my wife is different than me…

4. Mind the age …. I love this….i was a youth pastor for 10 years…. And I understood the value of the youth.. so I tended not to see the value of the older…but Paul is clear…. Your age matters and you are valuable to the church and your role is a blessing…so like right…you who are older…right now…begin to write down younger men who you can invest in… how you can pray for him… this is who church is to happen..

5. Younger men… write his name begin to pray for him find an older brother who can show you..

6. There is specific instructions for each group of people …the four main groups of the church are addressed

The Role of the Young Men (2.6-8)

Given to good deeds

Model What is Good. Be an example of hard work.. particularly in the physical realm… mom dad.. let me tell you.. the best thing my dad ever did for me was make me work… teach me to work and to enjoy it.. to create to expend energy from you own hands and make something for the Lord.. or serve someone for the Lord… it is joyful and it is God-glorifying…

Facilitate the work of the church….do things to further Word of God…to support he elders.. or a particular ministry…  .. how can we help.. repair.. work .. young men don’t leave a mess…. Small group is over, take out the trash… sweep up the stuff.. I want to say though we have some young men who know how to work.. thank you men keep it up… this is how we change culture… little steps…

Facilitate the work of the church. Do things to further Word of God. Support the elders or a particular ministry. Find out how to help, repair, work. Young men, don’t leave a mess. When small group is over, take out the trash… sweep up the stuff. I want to say though we have some young men who know how to work.. thank you men keep it up… this is how we change culture… little steps…

get off the phone get off the games.. ..go serve. Hang out with the others.. this is a ministry that has been forgotten about but should be promoted…

The Teaching… here is the deal.. young men need to know how to teach….for it will be them who are in charge one day.. it will be them who are in the pulpits.. on the mission field … leading your family you say well… “I’m not a minister well you are… when the pastor is preaching perk up .. take notes.. groom yourself to teach and learn…you may say I am not a teacher or preacher this is not for me… the Word says it is for every man ….. why.. because you will lead someone whether it’s your family or a church.. just like “Every Marine is, first and foremost, a rifleman. All other conditions are secondary….every man should be a teacher

Be an example…with a life of integrity… a life of honor.. now is the time to make good habits.. to make disciplines now… now is not the time to relax….because now is the time you are strong.. your mind is bright.. now is the time to serve God… don’t waste these days of tremendous energy and strength and mind…. Now is the time to give your life to the Lord… this is when you are fearless…. You will be the ones that change our country.. .that start the reformation here in these mountains… …

All the young men are mostly all playing… I have 3 daughters… there are some things that he must be…. Parents our duty is not to raise amazing athletes… or businessmen… if we are not careful we will raise Peter pans who will never grow up and will play games the rest of their lives… so as a father of girls …. I don’t care if your son can hit all the free throws. I don’t care if he can throw a curveball….I am not impressed if you can explain a multi-facets financial portfolio… not impressed… oh you can rebuild a big block chevy… not impressed.. or kill a bear just by your looks…  I am not impressed …now that cool stuff but not essential…. The real question is—does he Love Jesus? Is he fighting sin?  Can he work? Will he work? Can he handle the Word of God…can he lead… oh I could go own.. but.. we must move to the Roles of Women

The Role of Women (Titus 2.3-5…..1 Timothy 2.10-15)

The role of women could be the role that has suffered the most… it seems that the left in their want to elevate the status and image of feminism are destroying what it means to be a woman at a foundational role… it’s the women who has to carry the burden in society for men who will not be men… it’s the women who are held as objects of pleasure …to absorb all sorts of passion and abuse from society… Since COVID, pornography use has gone up between 200-400 % depending upon the study ….all forms of abuse towards women have risen alarmingly in the last 2 years… why.. .the world has answered the problem with progressive feminism.. but this school of thought does not value the women for who she is… this type of thought creeps into even the churches thoughts and women begin to question the value of their role.. they begin to wonder if just being a mom and a wife is less than … that there is something wrong with enjoying the leadership of your husband…I Timothy 2.15…we are going to tie together with Titus 2 …and so it is that we find truths that the world has issues with the

So we are not only examining the roles… but celebrating… two facts that are biblical and we cannot get away from… to negative statements and one positive… lets deal with the negative first

The role of women could be the role that has suffered the most… it seems that the left in their want to elevate the status and image of feminism are destroying what it means to be a woman at a foundational role… it’s the women who has to carry the burden in society for men who will not be men… it’s the women who held as a object of pleasure …to absorb all sorts of passion and abuse from society… since COVID Porn use has went up between 200-400 % depending upon the study ….all forms of abuse towards women have risen alarmingly in the last 2 years… why.. .the world has answered the problem with progressive feminism.. but this school of thought does not value the women for who she his… this type of though creeps into even the churches thoughts and women begin to question the value of their role.. they begin to wonder if just being mom and a wife is less than … that there is something wrong with enjoying the leadership of your husband…I Timothy 2.15…we are going to tie together with Titus 2 …and so it is that we find truths that the world has issue with the

So we are not only examining the roles… but celebrating… two facts that are biblical and we cannot get away from… to negative statements and one positive… lets deal with the negative first

  1. Women are not to Teach over a man
  2. Women are not to Lead over a man

So these are not cultural issues… it’s not a Jewish or Greek thing…  it’s not because of any weakness in the woman… or mental issue as some preachers have suggested in the past…we know that there are capacities in which women can teach and its very profitable when they do… they can lead.. they are gifted….so it’s not what we would think but the reason is this…and it’s for the church ….

  1. The manner of the fall…Woman fell…. she was deceived by satan… her curse is to be in subject to her husband .. but wanting to rule him..
  2. Created Order the man is responsible …thus he is the head..

And we know that the fall caused the curse to come over both men and women in different ways…but here we are thinking about women… so  ….What are they to do ….what is the women’s role in the church…well we look to the positive in verse 15…the women are saved through child bearing…..

This is not anything to do really with Christ and his Birth IT is not anything to do with salvation from sin… that would be silly… have a baby you go to heaven..

But this is the word salvation in a broader sense…salvation from Eves Fall and the curse of not leading and being at war with submission… and so Women…. Don’t hang your head…do not fall into the trap of devaluing yourself… for the pregnant women is honored by God and should be by the church…. The thing the world despises your femininity….so two things…the beauty of the procreation…

Honored with Procreation…. Women through childbearing and raising ….you bring into existence the church…..every soul that is saved by grace has based through the womb of women… every child of God has a momma…. Women it is you who are over a micro version of the church… before any pastor or teacher has authority over a child it is the Godly mother that carries, nurtures, sustains… she is the prime teacher… and evangelistic mission field of the mom… oh how I remember when my wife was pregnant and we would pray over the child in the womb.. but there was a time when Beth was carrying Shep… she would sing the doxology over him in the womb.. oh Beth was his first minister…she was his first pastor if you will… praying for him.. singing to him.. ……I think of all the great Pastors and ministers over the years whose Lips have spoken the life-giving Word of GOD….. yet those same gospel preaching lips relied upon the milk of their moms for life… yes mother from birth God has given you the privilege to build a foundation that the Elders and fathers will build on… you are the mason who builds the foundation…. Oh it’s the momma who is the first picture of Christ to our children… this is how God designed it… this includes those who adopt.. and are spiritual mothers… grandmas who have filled the roles

  1. Love your Man!…
    1. Enjoy him.. this type of special It emphasizes the strength of companionship, of pulling together toward a goal….sometimes a word picture is of two mules or draft horses… pulling together…. Now, this may not seem real romantic but it’s an example of devotion measured by kindness and mutual friendship. This forms the basis of a secure and solid marriage and home. At times spouses and parents must exhibit agape, or “sacrificial love.” But the fundamental strength of home life is the intertwining strands of kindness, companionship, and friendship. There exists among the household shared values, shared interests, and, among Christians, a shared Lord and vision of life.[1] It must be said that this is done view of all… so as to set an example… so show the young ladies what Tammy Wynette said …let them see what it means to stand by your man… kiss him.. hug him in front of your kids oh some may say that is gross but it is like building security wall ….around them and an example for them..
  2. TO be examples … Your home is the base of your operation.. and an extension of your life in many ways…. And so to the Young Women through good works that is fitting for a women… this where hospitality…care.. and thoughtfulness for the needs of others come in…. opening your home for ministry..
  3. Submissive.. Older women set this example.. you are not making fun of him.. you are not putting him down in front of the ladies… you are lifting him up.. and trusting his wisdom…. Realizing he is responsible to God for you and the kids… give him respect.. she is to follow him.. now there are limitations, of course, nothing illegal or unethical or immoral of unbiblical… but as you follow him you honor God…in the realm of spiritual leadership this is vital…

The Role of Older Men (2.2)

Now in what we have left with our time I want to deal with the role of the older men… now it needs to know that older for men and women here are not exclusively talking of physical age.. .but it could mean spiritual as well.. but those who are mature in Christ…. Paul addresses the men all through out the bible as teachers… women ought not to teach.. but men are the teachers…and the first verse alludes to this as well …and we have already seen that if younger men are to learn to teach..

  1.  men are to teach….. men you are the pastor of your home… you are the resident theologian of the house.. you need to brush up and be that… you want your daughters to have godly men… be one so they can see an example… this is the role of a farmer… prepping the ground gathering the seed.. .pulling the weeds… take care of you wife and you family in this respect.. prepare a place for them to grow.. have a place where you wife and kids are thriving in the word .. growing.. you see junk in the garden get it out… my daddy in law his garden was spotless… he painstakingly took time to get every weed, pollutant, trash, limb out.. we are to do the same.. this happens in family worship.. prayer.. and singing.. 
  • Level headed… put Christ in the center and do not make foolish choices… be careful as to what you allow in the house.. be watchful as how the house is ran… not in chaos and confusion .. but in a way that honors God… and edifies the family… dignified in your actions.. your integrity, your character..
    • Self-controlled… control yourself.. your spending.. your passions.. not easily falling to temptations… this is the man who has walked with God.. who seeks his Word.. grown… he does not lay out of church or work…. He controls himself .. reject worldly standards.. you are not controlled by the world your are directed by the Word of God for Glory of God…. A man who realizes he is fully dependent on God…
    • Sound in Faith.. you know your stuff.. now men we tend to know more about the finer nuances of our hobby than we do the things of God… the stats of your team or the specs of a gun .. or maybe it’s the art of making money.. I don’t know the point is you must know the faith.. it must be your own.. you should bleed Bible….. men again.. you should be the one leading the family to church… get them here it is you… get up early get those devils ready… lead in the things of faith… participate in the studies.. take notes in the sermon.. you should get home and ask how the sermon affected your kids and wife.. this is your job not small group leader …men lead in the singing… and worship… oh those booming bass voices were given to you to lead us to encourage us to sing..
    • LOVE….Your faith means nothing if you do not Love …your teaching means nothing without love.. Paul says we are just annoying ringing without love…it’s a waste…so displaying Love starts at home…with your wife, your kids, then the church your neighbors….Agape sacrificial, selfless, love…. So look at Peter, Ephesians… the point… Love Like Jesus…  show the younger how to do… let me show how to love women.. watch this….. love your kids.. hug, kiss, read.. you boy says daddy let’s camp out.. try to do it.. listen to them take your girls on a date.. How do I do this… I don’t have enough time.. I mean  I have to train, and city softball, or bowling.. and of course my bass boat, and my buddies… listen… Satan wants you to be so busy that you do not have time for your family… I am telling you to fight it… fight him.. fight for your families and your communities…
    • A person who models steadfastness in life and godliness commands respect, and he deserves to be heard, to be followed. Those who falter over time, who cave into apathy or human philosophies, or simply follow their own petty desires, have wandered from the faith. “Sticking with it” remains a requisite of Christian belief. This is the very definition of faith.[1]  We need men like this…

SO it is that we have come to the end of our sermon…. Seeing these biblical roles …no one is out of the target today… so we are thankful for the instruction that God has given us .. maybe you need to repent….that your not living up to the role… maybe you don’t want to and it goes against your thoughts. I pray for grace that you can deal with this text… Maybe you just want to turn to your spouse and let them know that you are thankful for them.. and thank them for accepting their role…maybe your response is thankfulness for the faithful ones in your life…maybe you want to pray for your children…. For wisdom to meet these roles …….whatever it may be may the Lord deal with your life today…

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April 26, 2022

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