Him We Proclaim, Colossians 1
Brody Holloway : Summer 2018 : Colossians 1:28 : Friday
5 ways to actively engage with missions right now:
- Make reaching unreached people groups a priority in your life.
- Pray for the world.
- Pray for specific missionaries.
- Know who your church supports, and stay in contact with them
- Reach your town with the Gospel, right where you are.
8 realities of Christ that we must proclaim:
- Incarnation.
- Virgin birth.
- Sinless life.
- Earthly ministry.
- Death of Jesus.
- Resurrection of Jesus.
- Exaltation.
- Exclusivity of Christ.
Passages: Romans 5, Romans 8:1, 1 Corinthians 15

The Preeminence of Christ
12-Day Bible Study
By Zach Mabry
This Bible study will help you set a steady pace to study the book of Colossians over 12 days. Each section highlights a particular passage, provides background context and helps the reader examine what God is saying.
Then, it finishes with a few questions to guide your personal application.